Southern Maryland News

The left and right on immigratio­n

- Mike Turner, La Plata

In his letter (“Tyranny respects no one,” Mar yland Independen­t, Feb. 3), Reverend Hoffacker uses the Statue of Liberty, a favorite prop of the left, to justify open borders. So let us pause to examine this iconic figure from the perspectiv­e of current reality.

The statue was a generous gift that reflected a noble sentiment made in a distant time under different circumstan­ces. The delusional left, among their many utopian dreams, would have America borderless, but at what costs?

Anyone paying attention will notice that the French who gave us the statue are now having major problems because of their own indiscrimi­nate immigratio­n policies. Look at Europe and everywhere it is the same. Europe is being swamped by people who have no intention of acculturat­ing into the societies to which they have swarmed. Regrettabl­y, the French now endure social unrest, crime and terror and the similar misguided policies of Germany, Netherland­s, etc., are all causing these same problems wherever applied. The result of this mass migration will mean that eventually Europe may well cease to be European.

The Reverend fully quotes the statue’s inscriptio­n of “Give us your tired…” Most are coming here for the right reasons; they want to pursue the American dream of freedom and opportunit­y. We certainly empathize and cannot fault people wanting a better life for themselves and their families. Problem is, there are those pouring into our country that are neither “tired nor yearning to breathe free”; rather, they enter and remain here for their own nefarious reasons.

So the statue’s inscriptio­n needs to be updated with an asterisk footnoting that we neither need nor want drug dealers, gang members, criminals, terrorists or those intending to subvert our laws and culture to comply with theirs. None of the above are welcomed and will be denied entry, period.

Finally, you have to question the judgment of anyone — particular­ly a pontificat­ing political reverend — who seems enthralled by that hero of the left coast left wing loonies, Governor Moonbeam, Jerry Brown. For the sake of his congregati­on, we can only hope the reverend knows more about theology than he does politics.

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