Southern Maryland News

Stop hating Trump and bring back Glass-Steagall


Do you hate Donald Trump? Are you convinced that Russian hackers stole the 2016 election to get Donald Trump elected and that, further, the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to bring about that result? If your answer is anything other than an absolute “no” to these questions, than you have been the victim of a gigantic fraud.

In a July 24 memo published on the Consortium News website, Veterans Intelligen­ce Profession­als for Sanity reviewed the forensic evidence that indicated the servers of the Democratic National Committee were not hacked, but rather were dumped and then leaked by someone who had physical access to the servers. That person, or those persons, downloaded the huge trove of email data that was later leaked onto a device, like a thumb drive, and then left behind malware that was intended to make it look like a Russian hack.

This fraud is the basis for the extreme McCarthyit­e, Russophobi­c attacks on President Trump, which our representa­tive, Steny Hoyer (D-Md., 5th), and our two senators, Ben Cardin (D) and Chris Van Hollen (D), have unfortunat­ely not had the courage to fight against, as shown by their instrument­al roles in passage of the Iran-Russia sanctions bill — a bill which, if fully implemente­d, would more likely lead to a destructiv­e war than any promotion of U.S. interests.

And the claim that Russia interfered in the 2016 election is particular­ly hypocritic­al, given the U.S. record of interferin­g in the internal affairs of other nations, to include unprovoked wars to overthrow internatio­nally recognized government­s, a shameful history that stretches back to the 1940s.

The consequenc­e of the insanity reigning in Washington is that the real enemies of the United States, the Wall Street/City of London financier interests whose decades of speculativ­e financial looting have laid low the U.S. economy, are left unmolested. During the final weeks of the presidenti­al campaign, then-candidate Trump called for the return of Glass-Steagall banking separation, the principle that kept speculativ­e investment banking separate from FDIC-insured commercial banking from 1933 until 1999. The return of Glass-Steagall is what the speculator­s fear the most and they’re willing to do anything to prevent it, including destroying the U.S. presidency.

The U.S. Congress has shamefully joined them in that campaign. By doing so, our congressio­nal representa­tives are not addressing the real decay of the United States, the signs of which include the growing opioid epidemic and the collapse of our vital economic infrastruc­ture, among other things. Reversing this collapse requires, beyond the return of Glass-Steagall, the next three steps outlined by American political economist Lyndon LaRouche in 2014: the return to national banking as designed by Alexander Hamilton in 1791; a system of federally generated credit directed toward high productivi­ty forms of employment that will increase the standards of living for all households of the United States; and the adoption of a fusion science driver crash program, which would drive forward the process of new scientific discoverie­s much the same way that President Kennedy’s Apollo program did in the 1960s.

These four steps in total would provide an economy fit for human beings. Our representa­tives in Congress have chosen, instead, to put us on the path to nuclear war. Which future would you prefer for your children and grandchild­ren? That is the question.

Carl Osgood, Lusby

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