Springfield News-Leader

Republican talking points paint false picture of Democrats

- Your Turn Debbie Baugh Springfiel­d News-Leader USA TODAY NETWORK

Republican­s have been extremely good at sticking to their “talking points,” no matter how blatantly false they are. Here are some examples:

Democrats are job-killers? Since World War II, Democrats held the presidency for a total of 429 months, with 164,000 jobs per month added on average, while the Republican­s were in office for 475 months, with a 61,000 jobs added per month average. This monthly average rate was 2.4 times faster under Democratic presidents (Washington Post, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis).

Democrats cannot manage the economy? Since 1945, the GDP has grown 1.6 times faster under Democratic administra­tions than under Republican administra­tions (American Economic Review).

Democrats are out of touch with “real Americans?” Was it not real Americans who won the popular vote in 2000 and 2016, despite not achieving the White House? Was the majority who elected

Biden somehow made of fake Americans?

Democrats want to “take your guns?” Democrats seek sensible gun regulation that honors the 2nd Amendment while offering some protection from mass shootings in schools and elsewhere. Republican­s fight for the further unchecked proliferat­ion of guns which kill our children in unimaginab­le numbers.

Democrats hate America? (See Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump). Democrats love our country enough to work for it to be the best it can be. Republican­s are willing, if not eager, to overthrow our democracy.

Democrats want to cancel your culture? Republican­s have decided exactly how everyone needs to behave — and are taking steps to enforce it.

Democrats promote immigratio­n to increase their portion of the vote? Democrats actually recognize that our country has always been a “melting pot” — indeed is dependent upon immigratio­n to supply the labor we must have. Republican­s build their campaigns around fear and demonizati­on of immigrants.

Democrats are allowing immigrants to bring increased crime and disease into our country, “poisoning the blood of our country?” Current statistics are clear that crime actually stays the same or decreases in areas with a high influx of immigrants.

Democrats promote policies that enable “illegals” to take our jobs? The only group whose employment is even slightly adversely affected by new immigrants is other immigrants who arrived earlier (National Academy of Sciences).

Democrats sponsor voter fraud? In reality, Democrats believe our country is better when everyone votes. Republican­s are perfecting ever-more-effective ways of suppressin­g the votes of anyone they believe will not vote the “right” way. In 2023 fourteen states enacted restrictio­ns on the right to vote.

Democrats want to support ne'er-dowells? Democrats actually believe that decent food and housing contribute to healthy productive citizens. Fourteen states led by Republican governors have refused all federal funds to feed hungry children during the summer school vacation (AP News).

Democrats want to kill innocent babies? In truth, Democrats believe that women are competent to decide whether or not to bear a child. Republican­s believe that that decision should be in the hands of the government (Pew Research Center).

Democrats hate Christiani­ty? Jesus' clear message of caring for the poor, accepting the outcast, rejecting hate is at home among most Democrats. Republican­s demonstrat­e a clear preference for the retributio­n of Leviticus and the twisting of Scripture to condone greed and exploitati­on.

Democrats are “woke?” Thank you; this one is true. Republican­s disregard science, history, compassion, and profession­alism in favor of short-term expediency and “blissful ignorance” (Forbes magazine).

Folks, look deep. Do some of your own thinking. Try to step back enough to look at what is actually going on. If you hear a claim that seems dubious — research it. If you can do these things — you WILL vote Democrat this time — if never before and even if never again. This election is too important to base your decision on faulty reasoning and cynical propaganda.

Debbie Baugh lives in Springfiel­d.

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