Springfield News-Sun

Beautiful charcuteri­e boards

- Heloise

Dear Readers: Want to create a fun, beautiful and delicious palate of colors, flavors, aromas, shapes and textures? Consider the charcuteri­e board.

Charcuteri­e is a French word that means “cooked meat” (specifical­ly pork), but charcuteri­e boards nowadays contain shaved lunch meats, cubed and soft cheeses, vegetable sticks, dips and dressings, grapes, dried fruits, nuts, berries and even chocolates and caramels.

Arrange on a large plate or lazy Susan. Take a picture of the charcuteri­e board before people descend upon it! — Heloise


Dear Readers: Spring cleaning is in full swing. Closet cleaning? Here are some items to NOT donate to charity:

— Dirty, stained, ripped, moldy, foul-smelling clothes and shoes.

— Dirty, stained, chipped, cracked kitchen dishes and service items.

— Furniture that is beyond reupholste­ring, be it damaged or worn, covered in pet hair, etc.

— Electronic­s older than five years.

— Toys with broken and/ or missing components.

— Out of season clothes and household items.

Call the donation center if you have questions about what you can and cannot donate. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: It’s wedding season! Did you know? You can invite the president and first lady of the United States to your ceremony!

It’s doubtful they will be able to attend — haha — but they will send a lovely letter of congratula­tions. Send a wedding invitation to the president and first lady:

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden and Dr. Jill Biden The White House Greetings Office

1600 Pennsylvan­ia Avenue NW

Washington, D.C. 20500 Allow a couple of months to receive your letter of congratula­tions. — Mary R. in Texas


Dear Readers :A ripped, torn or dirty mask will not provide an acceptable level of protection. Throw it out and get a new one. — Heloise

P.S. Cut the elastic bands on the mask before disposing of it so the bands can’t get wrapped around anything or anybody, like wildlife.


Dear Readers: With our masks on, we may be playing up our eye makeup. Here are some hints on eyeliner: No heavy dark colors and don’t encircle your whole eye because it can make your eyes look smaller. Too much eyeliner can sink into lines and wrinkles, where it can smudge and run.

A small amount smudged gently on the outer corners of the eye looks nice and enlarges the eye. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: Any hints on how to clean hairbrushe­s? — Angie W. in Alabama

Angie, first, remove excess hair. Fill the sink with hot water and shampoo.

Soak brushes for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse under cold water and air-dry on a towel. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: With all the hand-washing and hand sanitizer, my nails are in bad shape. Any hints for this? — Mary Ellen R. in New Jersey

Mary Ellen, use a cuticle oil immediatel­y after washing hands, and rub in petroleum jelly around cuticles at night. Keep your diet strong with milk (if you can have it), sweet potatoes and broccoli. — Heloise

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise. com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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