Springfield News-Sun

Goodbye, good riddance to the Senate filibuster

- E.J. Dionne Jr.

Change is on the way. President Biden has signaled that the days of the Senate filibuster’s strangleho­ld on majority rule are numbered. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is scared to death that he’s right.

McConnell is particular­ly worried that Democrats will use their majorities in the House and Senate to enact fundamenta­l reforms to our political system, from protecting voting rights to containing the influence of dark money on elections. That’s why the man who supposedly loves Congress’ upper chamber promised to create “a completely scorched earth Senate” if Democrats try to make it easier to pass legislatio­n.

That Biden is warming to the idea of making the filibuster much harder to use is big news, given his reluctance to take this step in the past. He’s responding to reality. As the president told ABC News’ George Stephanopo­ulos on Tuesday: “It’s getting to the point where, you know, democracy is having a hard time functionin­g.”

Exactly. The No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, Dick Durbin of Illinois, made it clear where things are headed when he declared on Monday that the filibuster was “making a mockery of American democracy.” Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) said in an interview that it is becoming ever more obvious that Republican abuse of the filibuster “is a direct threat to President Biden’s effort to pass his ambitious agenda.”

Biden is a well-known Senate institutio­nalist. He practicall­y grew up in the Senate, having arrived shortly after his 30th birthday. He thus has more standing than just about anyone to persuade the filibuster’s staunchest Democratic supporters, Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, of two things. First, the time for major new restraints on the filibuster has come; second, and just as important, that the current abuse of the filibuster flies in the face of authentic Senate tradition.

Biden underscore­d the history in his ABC interview, noting that when he first arrived in the Senate, stalling action required its members “to stand up and command the floor, and you had to keep talking.”

And changing filibuster rules would be nothing new. The most recent shift was instituted by McConnell himself. Eager to guarantee a conservati­ve majority on the Supreme Court, the narrow Republican majority voted to remove the filibuster for Supreme Court confirmati­ons. Not one of President Trump’s three nominees — not one — got close to 60 votes. When it came to court-packing, McConnell had no problem with majority rule.

Biden made his comments on the filibuster on

Tuesday, the eve of the formal Senate introducti­on of the For the People Act that has already passed the House. The comprehens­ive political reform bill would block the scandalous attack on voting rights in some Republican states. It would also curb gerrymande­rs that distort representa­tion, take major steps to limit the power of dark money by expanding disclosure and create strong incentives for politician­s to rely on small as opposed to large contributi­ons.

Moving away from the filibuster will take time. Change is likely to be gradual, not sudden. The Senate might have to start with narrower reforms (including Biden’s “talking filibuster”) before it becomes inescapabl­e that legislatin­g will require getting rid of the filibuster entirely for whole categories of bills.

The alternativ­e, of course, is for Republican­s to become a more moderate, less monolithic party and to work constructi­vely with Biden on major legislatio­n. The fact that you just chuckled dismissive­ly at that sentence is why filibuster reform is inevitable.

E.J. Dionne Jr. writes for The Washington Post.

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