Springfield News-Sun

A crafty time

- Heloise

Dear Heloise: With so many children at home, they naturally get bored. I decided to keep mine busy with crafts. I took some elbow macaroni, string, food coloring and some craft paint and got them started on making noodle necklaces. They want to give them out to our female guests at Easter or the Fourth of July, depending on when it’s safer to have family gatherings.

It keeps them busy to make noodle necklaces and bracelets for family and friends, and lifts some of the boredom of being isolated from their friends. — Connie J., Scranton, Pa.


Dear Heloise: I use one of my spare bedrooms as a sewing room but, unfortunat­ely, I tend to lose straight pins in the carpet ... until I find it either jammed into my knee or hand. My son finally suggested I use a magnet to gather up pins on the floor after I finish pinning a garment. It worked beautifull­y! Now no more pin sticks. — Grace N., Waltham, Mass.


Dear Heloise: I need to see a doctor, but I just don’t know who to go to. There are plenty of doctors in this city, but I want a qualified physician. How do I go about selecting one? — Holly V., Lima, Ohio

Holly, here are some hints:

■ Ask friends or family for references. They may know of a good doctor.

■ Call your local medical associatio­n for a list of doctors in the specialty you need.

■ Online, you can check the doctor’s educationa­l background and whether he or she is board certified.

■ Does the doctor have privileges in a surgical center or hospital?

■ Don’t be afraid to switch doctors if you are not satisfied with the doctor you’ve selected.


Dear Heloise: Recently I had my first big dinner party and used a beautiful tablecloth given to me by my mother-in-law. Unfortunat­ely, it has candle wax spilled on it, and I don’t know how to get it out. HELP! — Taylor D., Burlington, Vt.

Taylor, first, put the tablecloth in a plastic bag and put it in your freezer for a couple of days.

When the wax has hardened, carefully scrape off the wax with a dull knife. Place paper towels on both sides of the stain and turn on your iron to a warm (not hot) setting. Press over the paper towel to absorb all of the wax. Keep moving the paper towel around to absorb the wax stain onto a clean area. Launder or dry clean your tablecloth as you would normally do. — Heloise


Dear Readers: Have you received a call that starts out, “Hello, I’m an adviser for Social Security on a recorded line. Can you hear me?” DO NOT reply. Hang up immediatel­y. They want to record you saying “yes,” but that one word could get you into a mountain of financial trouble. There are a few variations on this, but never answer them. Simply hang up and never give out financial informatio­n or any personal details about you or your life.— Heloise

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise. com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.

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