Springfield News-Sun

Looking to Reagan for clues about how to counter Putin

- Marc A. Thiessen Marc A. Thiessen writes for The Washington Post.

Arriving at the Reagan Ranch in California’s Santa Ynez mountains is like stepping back in time to the 1980s. The 40th president’s Western White House is privately owned by the Young America’s Foundation, which invites high school and college students to visit and learn about the Reagan legacy. Everything remains as it was when the Reagans lived here, from Nancy’s handwritte­n instructio­ns for operating the TV remote to the jar of “Brim” freeze-dried coffee in the kitchen.

Returning to the 1980s feels like a relief at a time when our nation appears to be reliving the 1970s. Inflation is at a 40-year high, the economy is contractin­g, gas prices are skyrocketi­ng, a U.S. ally has been overthrown by Islamist radicals and an expansioni­st Russia has invaded one of its neighbors. It’s practicall­y the second coming of the Carter administra­tion. So it’s comforting to be in a place, however briefly, where it is always “Morning in America.”

My visit happened to coincide with that of the late president’s son, Michael Reagan, the longtime conservati­ve radio host and author. He brought his grandchild­ren — President Reagan’s great-grandchild­ren — on their first visit to the ranch to bury their cat, Sticky, in the family pet cemetery. I ask Michael what his father would have done about Ukraine. “It would never have happened if he were president,” Michael says. He’s right. Not far from here, at the Reagan presidenti­al library, a Reagan quote is emblazoned on a sign: “We know only too well that war comes not when the forces of freedom are strong, but when they are weak. It is then that tyrants are tempted.”

The weakness of the Biden administra­tion tempted Russian tyrant Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. So this is a good moment to reflect on some important lessons from Reagan on how to confront and reverse Putin’s aggression.

Reagan forged the Reagan Doctrine, which recognized there were brave men across the world willing to fight their own wars of liberation. Given American weapons, training and intelligen­ce, as well as financial, diplomatic and humanitari­an support, they could free their nations from Russian domination. Now, in Ukraine, a new generation of freedom fighters is defending their land from Russia. For months, President Biden slow-rolled arms shipments, terrified that stronger U.S. support would be “provocativ­e” and could cause “World War III.” Only after two months and thousands of unnecessar­y deaths did Biden agree to provide Ukraine with heavy weapons.

Today, Congress is moving forward with a nearly $40 billion package of military and humanitari­an aid for Ukraine that would make Reagan proud. The package passed the House 368 to 57, and the Senate voted 81 to 11 to proceed. The bad news is that Reagan’s fellow Republican­s were all the “no” votes.

In his farewell address to the 1992 GOP convention, Reagan called on Republican­s to reject the “new isolationi­sts” who “insist our triumph [in the Cold War] is yesterday’s news, part of a past that holds no lessons.” We must never go back, he said, to a world “where our leaders told us that standing up to aggressors was dangerous.”

For many who remember the Reagan years, those words ring true, but the Young America’s Foundation has its work cut out reminding a new generation that, in Reagan’s words, “a violation of human rights anywhere is the business of free people everywhere.” Bring them to the Reagan Ranch.

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