Springfield News-Sun

Exercise of the Month: Side steps with a resistance band

- Marjie Gilliam

Side Steps target multiple muscle groups in the legs and hips. A very time efficient exercise, it can be performed at home and is ideal for both strengthen­ing and metabolism boosting. The side step is similar to a squat in terms of lowering and lifting the body, however, it incorporat­es an additional move designed to work the hip abductors to a greater degree. Being a functional exercise, it helps the body to become accustomed to moving correctly when performing everyday motions and tasks, such as picking up an object from the floor.

Muscles worked: quadriceps, hamstrings, abductors, glutes and many stabilizin­g muscles, including those of the low back.

Execution: Place a resistance band just above the knees with feet a comfortabl­e distance apart, hands on hips or in front of the body. Looking straight ahead, take a larger-than-normal step to the side, enough to create a stretch of the band. Next, slowly lower the hips by first moving them backward and then bending the knees, until you are in a squat position, and then stand. Continue stepping to the side until you have completed the desired number of repetition­s.

If unaccustom­ed to squatting or if flexibilit­y is an issue practice coming only halfway down rather than into a fuller sitting position. Do not descend any further than thighs parallel to the floor. Avoid the knees traveling over the toes and be careful not to round the back. Instead, the spinal column should be kept in alignment all the way to the bottom of the squat and as you return to standing.

Tips: Safety should always be your first priority when exercising. Check with your doctor before adding new exercises to your workout routine if you have preexistin­g injuries or a medical condition. If hip abductors are weak, side steps can be performed without using a band.

Adequate balance is required when doing most exercises. If uneasy, proper technique during the squat portion can be practiced by sitting and standing from a chair, or holding onto a sturdy surface as you squat.

Beginners can start with one or two sets to mild muscle fatigue, every other day or every third day. Starting out conservati­vely allows you to get a feel for the exercise and avoid doing too much too soon. Some post-exercise soreness may be experience­d but should subside within 36 to 48 hours.

If unable to maintain the lumbar arch when trying to perform this exercise, limit range of motion and work to increase overall flexibilit­y. Include regular stretching for the low back and leg muscles, which can become overly tight over time and interfere with proper range of motion. To stretch the quadriceps (front of thigh) slowly bring the heel toward the rear end while standing. To stretch the hamstrings (back of thigh) slowly bend forward without rounding the back. Hold each stretch 20 seconds or longer.

Variations: Using a stronger resistance band naturally increases the level of difficulty, as does holding onto a dumbbell or weighted bar. The squat portion can also be held for a few seconds once the hips are lowered and before standing back up and/or reps can be timed at a slower pace. Lastly, the side step can be performed without completely standing back up. In this case, as each step is taken, the hips are kept in a lowered position.

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