Stamford Advocate (Sunday)

GOP faces reckoning over Trump and virus


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s coronaviru­s diagnosis was a moment of reckoning for his Republican Party, whose leaders largely adopted his strategy of playing down the disease but are now confronted with a stark political nightmare a month from Election Day.

The president’s infection thrust the pandemic front and center when Republican­s would rather be talking about Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, law enforcemen­t or the economy as early voting is underway in most states. They include Iowa and North Carolina, states that Republican­s must win to maintain their three-vote edge in the Senate.

On Saturday, another Republican senator, Ron Johnson on Wisconsin, announced he has tested positive for the virus, the third GOP senator this past week.

With Trump in Walter Reed military hospital for treatment and quarantine, the virus seemed to spill into every corner of the party. Tests came back positive for Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, Republican Party Chair Ronna McDaniel and for the Republican senators Mike Lee of Utah and North Carolina’s Thom Tillis, a vulnerable incumbent who announced Friday he would quarantine for 10 days at the peak of election season.

The pandemic even spread to a subject the GOP hoped to be its safe harbor in the campaign’s closing weeks — the looming confirmati­on of Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett. Videos of an unmasked Lee mingling with other conservati­ve luminaries at a White House ceremony for Barrett ran relentless­ly on cable news, turning the party’s push to reshape the court into a story about the spread of a deadly virus.

The infections of Lee and Tillis, both members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, call into question whether Republican­s can meet their aggressive timeline of confirming Barrett before Election Day. Johnson is not on the panel and was not at the Rose Garden event.

“It’s challengin­g,“said Glen Bolger, a Republican pollster active in five competitiv­e Senate races. “It would be better if the discussion was about jobs and the economy, or even Joe Biden is going to be held captive to the left. But the election is going to be about coronaviru­s, and that’s not favorable terrain for Republican­s.”

In private conversati­ons over recent months, Republican­s had reached a level of stoicism about how their fates were yoked to the president’s, even as he ricocheted from outrage to outrage and denied the severity of a pandemic killing thousands of their constituen­ts. Their inability to escape Trump is due partly to their embrace of his personalit­y and agenda, but also to a reality of the nation’s polarized politics — legislator­s increasing­ly rise or fall with their party’s presidenti­al candidate.

“People vote for the uniform, red or blue,” Bolger said. “As the president goes, so goes a lot of down-ticket Republican­s.”

That’s required Republican legislator­s in competitiv­e states to walk what GOP pollster Whit Ayres called “a fine line” — putting enough distance between themselves and Trump to pick off swing voters without alienating the president’s loyal base who will punish any Republican who disagrees with him.

Candidates have tried different tactics. In Colorado and Montana, Sen. Cory Gardner and Sen. Steve Daines have touted a big conservati­on bill they sponsored. In Maine, Sen. Susan Collins has emphasized her history of relative independen­ce from party leadership. In Iowa, Sen. Joni Ernst has tried to avoid discussing Trump’s more erratic tweets and statements.

The reemergenc­e of the pandemic puts Trump back where he has been most of his four years in office: at center stage. But it may also remind voters of health care and the GOP’s efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the centerpiec­e of the Democrats’ election messaging.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in a GOP case seeking to overturn the health care law shortly after the election. Earlier this past week, six Republican­s, including Collins, Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan and Gardner, joined Democrats in a procedural vote to try to protect it, a sign of how vulnerable the senators feel on the issue.

The political peril of the looming court case was evident Friday night at the first debate in the Colorado Senate race. Gardner’s Democratic challenger, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenloop­er, relentless­ly attacked the incumbent Republican about his repeated efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act — and the dangers of Barrett invalidati­ng the law once she’s approved.

“Are we really, in the middle of a pandemic, going to strip away health care and protection­s for people with preexistin­g conditions?” Hickenloop­er asked, noting Gardner supported Trump’s push to repeal the law in 2017.

Republican­s have been sustaining blows from Democrats over the repeal push for years, but now may also be haunted by their associatio­n with Trump’s liveand-let-live approach to the pandemic. In March, Arizona Sen. Martha McSally likened suggestion­s people dramatical­ly alter their lifestyles to “panic.”

“It doesn’t mean that everybody needs to stay home, not go to work, not go on spring break, not live their lives,“she said. “That is actually too much of a panic reaction.”

And a month ago, Ernst took criticism after she said she was “skeptical” of government statistics on the coronaviru­s and wondered if they had been inflated.

Publicly, GOP senators still don’t want any daylight between their majority and Trump. “Full steam ahead,” tweeted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell about Trump’s agenda, especially the confirmati­on of Barrett.

Trump’s quarantine sidelines him from the campaign trail during a critical stretch.

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