Stamford Advocate

True dating confidence can’t be faked

- Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. e-mail:

Dear Amy: I’m 26 years old, and live in a large city.

I have a wide circle of close friends, but I’ve always struggled with dating. My longest relationsh­ip lasted for about two years, and that ended nearly five years ago.

My friends and family often tell me, “You can’t love someone if you don’t love yourself.”

I know the reason people say this is because I have never loved myself. I was a very anxious child; as a teenager I was diagnosed with body image dysmorphia and depression. I have battled an eating disorder, as well.

I am in therapy and take medication. I have a stable job, exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet.

Although I lack selfconfid­ence, I believe I appear confident on dates (“confidence is attractive!” right?), but I don’t believe I come off as haughty. I’m careful to take things slowly, but also express interest.

I sometimes have multiple dates with one person, but eventually the connection fizzles out. Although at this point, I expect that to happen, I will happily put in the effort.

Do you agree with my friends? Do you think that others can see right through someone with low selfesteem?

Not Confident in Nebraska

Dear Nebraska: I agree with your friends and family — and what I think they are trying to tell you is that the most important relationsh­ip you will ever have, is the one you have with yourself. In that regard, there is always room for growth!

I hope you realize that much of what you are doing is SO right! You are dealing with your physical, emotional, and mental health challenges, and it seems that you have come a long way from the anxious child you once were. The best relationsh­ip marker for anyone is in the quality of their friendship­s — and your friends are supportive and kind.

To build on your successes, you will have to practice ways of getting out of your own head. Work on deliberate­ly switching your internal focus to others.

True confidence is not conveyed by acting confident, but by being comfortabl­e enough in your own skin to simply be yourself. The goal is to meet someone who really “sees” you, and who likes and accepts you — just as you are. And that will take time, patience, and the willingnes­s to grow and change.

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