Stamford Advocate

How we can help America

- John J. Kennedy is a business developmen­t executive who lives in Stamford.

Whew! After a contentiou­s four years and divisive election cycle, it appears America has elected a new leadership team in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The president-elect clearly sees uniting the country as a top priority as we tackle major issues including the pandemic, economic growth and racial justice. Presumably, the new team will reach across the aisle to forge stronger connection­s and show unity and compromise.

As citizens, how do we recover from the bruises of the past administra­tion? How can we move on to seek health, peace, prosperity and middle ground? With a Democratic executive branch, Democratic majority Congress and what seems to be a Republican Senate, what can we do as citizens to help the healing process and hold our leaders accountabl­e to get things done?

Here are some ideas:

Let go of anger. It’s understand­able that many people are offended by policies and personal vindictive­ness of the past four years. Hanging on to the anger will not help unificatio­n. Of course, we shall stick with our principles and advocate for our causes. Yet in this honeymoon period and beyond, we need to listen and seek to understand to envision better solutions for all.

Hold our leaders accountabl­e; better ways come from us.

Remember, politician­s are supposed to represent us and our views to make progress and get things done. So let’s hold our leaders accountabl­e. Let’s remind them of what we expect throughout their terms, not just in an election cycle. Call and write our representa­tives’ offices. Let’s ask them what they are doing to reach out and negotiate solutions.

Have faith in our system. Our democracy can be a messy, brutal process. But it has served our country well. Perhaps we have felt our democracy was in danger. Again, let’s take advantage of this new beginning to appreciate anew the unique process our Founding Fathers conceived—“for liberty and justice for all.”

Give them a chance. This was a close election. At this writing, more than 72 million people voted for Trump (47.5 percent of the vote), with several states still in question. So there is a significan­t “other side” that can accept the outcome, respect the office of the presidency and let the new administra­tion do their best.

Be patient (to a point). Our new leadership team deserves respect (even if you did not vote for them). We’re one country here. While we have critical issues to address and fix quickly, they deserve time and trust to get their team in place to do the country’s business.

Thirty-five plus years ago, political lore was that President Reagan (R) and House Speaker Tip O’Neill (D) would argue and debate by day and gather for a drink in the evening to make deals. It’s hard to conceive of that collaborat­ion in today’s “I’m right; you’re wrong” political context. We deserve more than fingerpoin­ting from our leaders. It’s time for discussion and compromise. Presidente­lect Biden (D), Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) have worked together for decades. Surely they and their teams can find common ground. Let’s push our leaders to meet, cajole and negotiate solutions that make us stronger as a nation.

As Abraham Lincoln (and the Gospel of Mark, 3:25) indicates: “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. We have been through several years of increased malice and division. Let us use this new beginning to help our new leaders bring greater unity, healing, prosperity and growth to our country.

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