Stamford Advocate


- Frank Stewart

“I read somewhere,” Cy the Cynic told me, “that a whale can attract a partner in 15 minutes. I’ve been trying to find one for five years.”

Cy has gone through a host of partnershi­ps. Like many players, all he wants is a partner who does everything right. Cy was East in today’s deal in a penny game, and against 3NT, West led the jack of clubs, won by dummy’s ace. Declarer next led a diamond: deuce from the Cynic, jack from South ... and West took the ace.

South won the next club and led a second diamond to his ten. He cashed the king, led a club to dummy and took the 13th diamond for his sixth trick. He still had the A-K of spades and ace of hearts, so he made 3NT.

Cy was upset with his partner — not for the first time.

“Duck the first diamond,” Cy complained, “and he goes down.”

Cy was right, and the winning defense was not difficult. Still, I wish Cy had to sit across from himself for a few afternoons. He might be more tolerant of his partner’s errors. DAILY QUESTION You hold: S 10 9 3 H K 8 7 D A 7 4 C J 10 9 4. Your partner opens one diamond, you bid 1NT and he jumps to three diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s jump-rebid suggests about 16 high-card points with a good six-card suit. If he has a hand such as A 2, 6 5 2, K Q 9 8 5 3, A K, you will be a big favorite to make 3NT. If he has 2, A 3 2, K Q J 9 5 3, A Q 5, you need to play at five diamonds. Bid three hearts, suggesting a heart stopper and game interest, and await his reaction.

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