Stamford Advocate

Wife’s excludes her disabled husband

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: My husband is in his 40s and permanentl­y disabled from injuries received in a recent automobile accident. He is in pain, on pain medicine 24 hours a day and basically sleeps his days away. His pain and immobility make intimacy impossible.

He doesn’t object when I go out with friends or participat­e in activities he is unable to do, like hiking, biking or kayaking, yet I feel guilty for leaving him home alone five days a week, and sometimes the entire weekend. I can’t just sit home with him after I get home from work because he falls asleep watching TV.

We both know this will be the situation for the rest of our lives. This self-care is very important to my physical and mental well-being, as the financial stress is also overwhelmi­ng. How do I continue to live an active life and still be the wife he needs?

Sad Fate in Pennsylvan­ia

Dear Sad Fate: Leaving a disabled spouse five days (nights?) a week or for an entire weekend on a regular basis seems excessive.

If you must go out to preserve your sanity, it would be compassion­ate to arrange for someone to stay with him so he’s not alone in case there is some kind of emergency.

Dear Abby: I’m a woman of 28. I have started falling in love with a girl I met recently. We talked for a while, expressed feelings for each other and decided to start dating. She lives in Minnesota and I’m in Texas. She’s also in college. I think she’s 18 or 19. I know our age span is a little wide, but we didn’t care about that.

Things were going OK, but recently she’s gone quiet and hasn’t been talking to me as often. She said she just needs some time to herself and that she’s having some second thoughts about all of this. I talked with her about it, and she told me she still loves me and wants me to come visit her. It feels like she’s got cold feet, and I’m not sure what to do. I love her, but I feel unwanted and unloved.

What should I do? Starting to Lose Faith

Dear Starting: You and this young woman are in very different places in your lives. You are ready for a serious commitment to someone. She’s a college student who isn’t yet out of her teens. If she needs time to herself so she can figure out whether she is ready for the kind of relationsh­ip you have in mind, give it to her. Do not force it. If that means postponing your visit, so be it.

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