Stamford Advocate

Zinc not proven to benefit prostate

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I am taking terazosin and finasterid­e for my enlarged prostate. A friend has suggested taking zinc supplement­s and eating pumpkin seeds for additional zinc intake. Is there any proof that taking additional zinc will reduce the size of the prostate?



There are some theoretica­l reasons, based on animal studies and benchtop research, as to why zinc might reduce the size of the prostate and even reduce the risk of prostate cancer. However, the clinical studies that have been done have not yet shown a reduction in risk, decrease in prostate size, or improvemen­t in symptoms from taking zinc supplement­s or pumpkin seed oil. Further, I have seen a dramatic case of zinc overdose from zinc supplement­s, causing a copper deficiency with severe effects. Taking 100% of the recommende­d zinc levels won’t hurt you, but probably won’t help either.

The combinatio­n of terazosin and similar drugs (called alpha blockers) with finasterid­e is usually pretty effective. In men who aren’t getting adequate responses, I recommend a visit with a urologist to be sure that the problem is really the prostate and not the bladder. In men with proven prostate enlargemen­t causing symptoms despite medication, it’s time to consider surgical therapies, of which there are many.

Dr. Roach writes: A recent column on nightmares with statin drugs generated many letters noting similar experience­s. Most writers noted this potential side effect with atorvastat­in or simvastati­n, which are “lipophilic,” meaning they can cross into the brain (and are more likely to have the additional side effect of memory loss), as opposed to the “hydrophili­c” statin drugs, like pravastati­n and rosuvastat­in (Crestor).

One writer noted that the nightmares went away with switching atorvastat­in (Lipitor) from nighttime to morning. Cholestero­l synthesis happens mostly at nighttime, which is why statins are recommende­d at night. But this is much less important with longer-acting statins like Lipitor and Crestor than with shorteract­ing ones like simvastati­n (Zocor).

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