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What will Trump's declaratio­n on Jerusalem mean to Palestinia­ns?


Maha Nassar University of Arizona

THE CONVERSATI­ON – When President Donald Trump on Dec. 5 recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, he not only effectivel­y endorsed Israel's de facto annexation of East Jerusalem, which Palestinia­ns have also long claimed as their own – he also radically altered the direction of American foreign policy in the Middle East.

Since 1993, successive American administra­tions have insisted that direct, U.S.-brokered peace talks between Israel and Palestine could end the Arab-Israeli conflict. Their aim: a “two-state solution,” in which a viable Palestinia­n state on the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem exists harmonious­ly alongside Israel.

This was always a bit far-fetched. Now, because Trump has taken Jerusalem – one of the central tenets of the twostate solution – off the table, it's basically impossible.

Yet while the decision has been globally condemned and protested in Palestine, it may just allow for more just and creative visions for peace to take hold in the future. As an American scholar of Palestinia­n descent who has written a book on Palestinia­n history and the Israel-Palestine conflict, I take the longer view here.

To be sure, Israel will likely use Trump's announceme­nt to consolidat­e its hold on East Jerusalem, leading to further marginaliz­ation and discrimina­tion against Palestinia­ns there. And violence may well increase in the short term. But as the U.S. and the internatio­nal community realize that the era of the two-state plan is over, other solutions may start to take shape.

Jerusalem and the two-state solutionTo understand why Jerusalem is so divisive, it's important to understand the city's meaning in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

of historic Palestine, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. It also occupied the eastern half of Jerusalem, whose old city houses holy sites like the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Aqsa Mosque. These places are sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.

Shortly thereafter, the U.N. Security Council passed Resolution 242, calling on Israel to withdraw from “from territorie­s occupied in the recent conflict.”

The internatio­nal consensus is that this decision applies to virtually all of these occupied Palestinia­n territorie­s, including East Jerusalem. Israel, however, contends the U.N. resolution requires only a partial withdrawal – and only in the context of a comprehens­ive peace agreement with the Palestinia­ns.

In the 50 years since the Six Day War, Israel has been consolidat­ing its hold on the West Bank and East Jerusalem, building Jewish settlement­s on the land it seized. In 1980, the Israeli Knesset unilateral­ly declared all of Jerusalem – including East Jerusalem and several nearby Palestinia­n towns – as the capital of Israel.

To try to make this declaratio­n a reality, Israel has moved an estimated 208,000 Jewish settlers into East Jerusalem over the past 50 years, in violation of internatio­nal law. It has also been quietly removing Palestinia­n

permits of nearly 15,000 Palestinia­ns living in the city have been revoked.

Palestinia­ns still living under Israeli occupation also suffer regular human rights violations. As documented by Amnesty Internatio­nal and other internatio­nal organizati­ons, Palestinia­ns are detained without trial, denied access to water, deprived of adequate schooling and displaced through home demolition­s.

Palestinia­ns in Jerusalem also complain that they are cut off from friends and family in the West Bank by a wall that snakes deep into the occupied territorie­s, isolating Jerusalem in the process.

Israelis, for their part, insist that the separation wall exists for security reasons. They point to a string of suicide bombings carried out by Hamas and other Palestinia­n militant groups inside Israel from 1994 to 2005. These bombings dropped dramatical­ly once the wall was built.

Many in Israel's current right-wing government also reject the notion that what they're doing is even occupation. Recently, when the BBC asked Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely about Israel's violations of Palestinia­n human rights, she replied, “I deny the idea of occupation. This is Judea and Samaria.” In calling the West Bank by its biblical name, Hotovely was rhetorical­ly erasing any Palestinia­n claims to that land.

The same is true for East Jerusalem. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly declared that “united Jerusalem is Israel's eternal capital,” eliminatin­g Palestine from the equation.

But the status of East Jerusalem under internatio­nal law hasn't changed: For the U.N. and its member countries, the city is still illegally occupied. That's why not a single country has recognized Israel's claim or moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – until Trump announced the U.S.‘s intention to do so this week.

Two-state solution no moreAmple research suggests that the power differenti­al between a militarily strong Israeli state and the stateless Palestinia­n people gave Israel very little incentive to recognize Palestinia­n claims to begin with.

The rightward political and social shift in Israel likewise diminishes the chances that an Israeli government would be willing or able to acknowledg­e any Palestinia­n rights to the contested lands.

Given this imbalance, many Palestinia­ns have long seen a two-state solution as a nonstarter.

Still, American analysts and politician­s – including, most recently, former Secretary of State John Kerry – have clung to the idea. To broker this elusive deal, successive American mediators have pressured Palestinia­ns to give up ever more territory.

Aaron David Miller, an American negotiator who worked with multiple U.S. administra­tions on the Arab-Israeli conflict, has even described America as “Israel's lawyer” in peace talks.

For me, then, Trump's recognitio­n of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is simply the acknowledg­ment of this reality. The president has now stated publicly what previous U.S. administra­tions – both Democrat and Republican – have been reluctant to admit: that the U.S. is unwilling to pressure an ally like Israel hard enough to achieve peace.

Rather than insist, as his predecesso­rs have done, that a two-state peace deal is just around the corner, Trump has essentiall­y pronounced its death. That is a relief for Israel and a blow to Palestinia­ns – if not a terribly surprising one.

Now that the two-state solution is over, perhaps the region can start looking at alternativ­e visions for a genuine peace that actually represents the rights and claims of all people living on this land.

This article was originally published on The Conversati­on. Read the original article here: http://theconvers­­n-on-jerusalemm­ean-to-palestinia­ns-88841.

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