Starkville Daily News

Peace, safety, life, and liberty


“And because lawlessnes­s is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.” America is not divided; we are splintered into a thousand little pieces. Love has grown cold. Hatred is literally raging in the streets.

The formula for destroying a nation from within is the same as it’s always been. Ridicule God. Exalt education. Transform governing into humanitari­anism. Control the press. Divide identity groups with crises. Restore order via totalitari­an fiat.

The majority of America’s founders expressed a reverence for God in their writings and speeches, and they infused that reverence into our founding documents. Today Americans largely ridicule God, not only as being no longer essential, but as no longer existing, separation of church and state and all that stuff.

During the turbulent 1960s, the LEFT took over academia particular­ly the social sciences and history. Science was exalted as the ultimate authority and arbiter of truth. He who writes history controls the past, and he who controls science controls the present.

We have been taught that universal humanitari­anism will usher in an age of peace and equality. What is government’s role if not humanitari­anism for everyone? Neverthele­ss, we’ve traveled through storms of celebratin­g diversity into more turbulent straits of existentia­lism where all realities are equally true, and everyone is left fighting for his or her own life.

When we exchanged the truth of God for a lie, we turned the press and media into a liar’s paradise. When one rejects the truth, his continuing searches for meaning will inevitably be both selfrighte­ous and futile. That world is comprised only of oppressors and victims. More news at 10:00.

Every group identifies as victims. There are no oppressor groups except in the imaginatio­ns of identity groups. Who will slay the giants who are oppressing identity groups? The government? Shouldn’t the government be equally humane toward all identity groups and giants?

Rome began as a representa­tive republic before she became a worldwide empire. History is cyclical. Needless to say, the republic of America is going through another downside cycle, and powers-that-be aren’t wasting the latest crises, but are forging an empire that will brutally enforce peace. See Pax Romana.

While leaders of China, Iran, Russia, and the rest of the world mock America during our times of unrest, would Americans dare to exchange our republican representa­tive form of government for a totalitari­an centralize­d government that brutally enforces peace? Many in America have been calling for this transforma­tion for decades.

Americans are standing at the crossroads: peace and safety on the left; life and liberty on the right. In a fallen world, liberty for all is a messy thing.

With all her faults, America is still blessed with one truth that unites many though not most of us. The brotherhoo­d of Christ unites all true believers regardless of race or politics. Jesus commanded us to love one another as He has loved us. Love covers a multitude of sins.

While the world is raging around us, let those of us who trust in the Holy One, the Prince of Peace, make time to come together for peace with one another. Satan is still the ruler of this world, and Jesus the Son of God is the only one who can bring peace, safety, life, and liberty to this fallen world.

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