Starkville Daily News

The path to flag change proves that racial views evolve with life experience­s, history


Mississipp­i’s tense and emotional public debate of removing the Confederat­e Battle Flag from the canton corner of the state flag evoked some of the more startling lessons of history regarding the evolution of racial views by individual­s and by institutio­ns.

Let’s stop here and applaud the leadership and vision of House Speaker Philip Gunn for stepping into the flag change arena early and courageous­ly. Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann fought hard to get the flag change legislatio­n to the finish line in the Senate. Sen. Briggs Hopson and Rep. Jason White were key players. There were many others who stepped up.

Gov. Tate Reeves removed the final obstacle facing the Legislatur­e should they choose to act with courage to change the flag rather than punting the issue to a more politicall­y expedient referendum. That was a critical move.

But in the broader sense, change on bedrock social and racial issues is a slow process both in and out of the halls of government. Mississipp­i isn’t the only witness to that reality.

Distinguis­hed Howard University historian Edna Greene Medford recounted in a 2010 lecture entitled “Lincoln’s Evolving Racial Views” at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidenti­al Library in Fremont, Ohio, that three days before his assassinat­ion, President Abraham Lincoln gave a speech from the White House balcony in which he forcefully advocated the extension of political and voting rights to African Americans.

That in an of itself is not surprising and well in keeping with Lincoln’s reputation as “The Great Emancipato­r” and “Father Abraham” in leading the nation through the Civil War and preserving the union while abolishing slavery in the U.S.

What is surprising was the revelation in Medford’s lecture that seven years earlier in Charleston, Illinois, during one of Lincoln’s famous seven debates with Democratic rival Stephen Douglas when both were seeking the U.S. Senate seat from Illinois. Douglas accused Lincoln of being a supporter of Black equality, to which Lincoln replied:

“I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races… I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes (sic), nor of qualifying them to hold office… there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality.”

Lincoln moved away from his former campaign rhetoric and toward unity and reconcilia­tion when the bonds of the American union were tested and strained.

In Mississipp­i today, the flag change enacted by the Legislatur­e will require more steps and more participat­ion by Mississipp­i voters. As with any compromise, not everyone’s happy with the outcome and final legislatio­n.

Can the opponents of legislativ­e flag change, who claimed days ago to be representi­ng the majority, accede to the will and wisdom of the vast majority of our elected representa­tives and senators in the Legislatur­e? That remains to be seen.

State Sen. Chris Mcdaniel, R-ellisville, was the major legislativ­e opponent in recent days to legislativ­e flag change. In floor debate, he interjecte­d every possible obstacle. He told the media days before the vote that he and “20 or 21” senators were “holding the line” against legislativ­e flag change.

That ultimately wasn’t the case. For a third time, twice in U.S. Senate campaigns at the ballot box and now again on the floor of the state Senate, Mcdaniel’s demagoguer­y was firmly rejected.

But the weekend legislativ­e drama should not be remembered as an instance in which Mcdaniel and other opponents of flag change lost.

This time, in the nick of time, Mississipp­i won. Our children and grandchild­ren won.

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