Starkville Daily News

The Democrats Praise Their ‘Big Tent’


The Democrats were tremendous­ly disappoint­ed with the election results. President Donald Trump is losing by almost exactly the 51% to 47% margin that Mitt Romney lost to then-president Barack Obama in 2012. The Senate is poised to stay in GOP hands, and the Republican­s look to slice the Democratic House majority to about 10 seats.

Instead of licking wounds, some are asserting that somehow, Democrats are still the stronger party with all the historical momentum. Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. wrote, “Democrats are a big-tent party, while Republican­s are a closed circle.”

Dionne claimed, “For more than a half-century, Republican­s have purged dissenters and turned themselves into a rigid, radical, unified bloc — ideologica­lly, racially, religiousl­y. As the Republican­s cast off free-thinkers, Democrats took them in. This makes Democrats the larger party with better long-term prospects.”

This is an interestin­g theory, considerin­g that Trump made gains among Latinos and black men. Republican­s can easily accuse Democrats of being more rigid, more radical and less religious. The last pro-life Democrat in Congress, Rep. Daniel Lipinski of Illinois, became a purged dissenter in the March primary. In addition to their hostility toward traditiona­l religion, especially on abortion and LGBTQ issues, Democrats are now losing working-class voters with “defund the police” messaging and the lurch to “end fossil fuels.”

Bizarrely, Dionne claims the Republican­s are so far gone there’s no debating them: “many debates that once took place between the parties — about, say, the appropriat­e size of the welfare state, the proper role of economic regulation or the right way to protect the environmen­t — are being held almost entirely within the Democratic Party.”

That argument simply isn’t going to work in reality, not with the current makeup of Congress. It might if the Democrats held two-thirds of the seats, but the margin is thin. You can’t have a one-party policy debate.

Intra-party debate rarely occurs on the liberal “news” channels, where Democratic squabbles are often buried or obscured. Journalist­s will celebrate Biden as some sort of “moderate” and glorify the socialists, from Sen. Bernie Sanders to “The Squad.” That Biden and the socialists could be classified as the two ideologica­l poles of America might be the media’s dream.

Liberal Youtuber Adam Ragusea informed me on Twitter that “No one describes Biden as the Democratic center. He’s well on the right side of the Democratic party, and has been his whole career.” This seems to ignore the fact that politician­s

Dionne & Co. often classify as the “moderates” or “conservati­ves” have an American Conservati­ve Union score of less than 10%.

Journalist­s will try to downplay the unpopulari­ty of socialism, of ending fossil fuels and defunding police, of endless scolding of “white privilege” and making taxpayers pay for abortions. They will hate that conservati­ves were elected to block and will work to block every radical nightmare Rep. Alexandria Ocasiocort­ez wants to impose.

Amazingly, the Republican­s are being granted the broad ground to be the party of people who like the police and the national anthem, who like going to church and driving gaspowered cars, and who think it’s simply wrong-headed to categorize every pale-faced American as irredeemab­ly, systemical­ly racist.

That doesn’t sound like a recipe for a Republican decline and fall. Instead, anyone claiming to be a keen political observer might suggest the parties mirror each other, that we Americans are intensely and quite evenly divided. We are polarized, and the bases of both parties won’t rush to compromise. But liberal journalist­s such as E.J. Dionne Jr. often forgo keen observatio­ns for wishful thinking.

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