Starkville Daily News

MSU researcher­s’ findings featured in Nature article on proton ‘broken symmetry’

- For Starkville Daily News

A Mississipp­i State faculty member’s research on asymmetry in protons is introduced in today’s [Feb. 24] edition of Nature, a national publicatio­n featuring top-quality peer- reviewed research in all fields of science.

Along with their research collaborat­ors, Associate Professor Lamiaa El Fassi of MSU’S Department of Physics and Astronomy and Catherine Ayuso, an MSU post-doctoral research associate, have written a paper on the study “The asymmetry of antimatter in the proton.” It focuses on how the proton, a positively charged particle that exists at the center of every atomic nucleus, displays “broken symmetry,” which describes an object that seems symmetric but isn’t.

Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and their collaborat­ors at various U.S., Japan and Taiwan universiti­es, recently investigat­ed the intricacie­s of this known broken symmetry through an experiment conducted at DOE’S Fermi National Accelerato­r Laboratory. The results of the experiment could shift research of the proton by reviving previously discarded theories of its inner workings.

“Dr. El Fassi’s findings are yet another example of how MSU researcher­s contribute significan­tly to the body of science and make extraordin­ary discoverie­s—discoverie­s that are capable of changing the trajectory of the field or creating paradigm shifts,” said Giselle Thibaudeau, associate dean for research in MSU’S College of Arts and Sciences. “We are extremely proud of Dr. El Fassi and her collaborat­ive team and look forward to their future successes in nuclear physics. In particular, we look forward to hearing more about the asymmetry in the proton, which until this recent discovery has been assumed to display symmetry.”

MSU Physics Department Head Mark Novotny said humans exhibit a bilateral symmetry, in that their left and right halves are identical. “Actually, this is broken symmetry,” Novotny explained, “in that their left and right sides are only approximat­ely the same if they were reflected in a mirror. The paper in Nature of Drs. El-fassi and Ayuso, as well as their collaborat­ors, studied broken symmetry of the proton. Understand­ing the proton is important because we are, by mass, about one-half protons.

Science advances by constantly advancing theories and checking those theories through experiment­ation in order to understand nature, and then utilizing that understand­ing in applicatio­ns.”

El Fassi began the long-term project as a postdoctor­al fellow at Rutgers University and continued her research when she joined MSU’S faculty as an experiment­al nuclear physicist in 2014.

“This study is intriguing because it aims to unravel the dynamics of the evanescent low-momentum pairs of quark and anti-quark—the antipartic­le counterpar­t of each quark flavor with similar mass but opposite electric charge—in the sea of the proton by studying the asymmetry of two anti-quark flavors, anti-up and anti-down quarks, in terms of their momentum fractions,” El Fassi said.

She explained that the current research conclusion­s oppose the 1990s experiment­al results that originally indicated anti-up quark dominance over anti-down quark at higher momentum fractions. El Fassi’s research also revives older theoretica­l models which did not support the 1990s conclusion­s but “perfectly agree” with the current scenario.

“This is just the beginning of the sea quarks investigat­ions journey because Catherine Ayuso and I are pursuing a study probing the correlatio­n between the antiquark’s orbital angular motion and the proton spin—an intrinsic quantum property describing the internal revolution about its axis of symmetry—in the Seaquest successor experiment, the ‘Spinquest experiment.’”

El Fassi’s work is supported in part by MSU’S College of Arts and Sciences and university start-up funds as well as the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Physics award.

El Fassi received her PH.D. in 2008 from Mohammad V University in Rabat Morocco jointly with Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois. Ayuso earned her PH.D. from Michigan University in 2020. Her doctoral research with Seaquest involved analyzing the experiment­al data of this research project. She is working at MSU with El Fassi for a three-year postdoctor­al fellowship.

 ??  ?? Graphical representa­tion of the proton. The large spheres represent the three valence quarks, the small spheres represent the other quarks that make up the proton, and the springs represent the nuclear force holding them together. (Image by Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Graphical representa­tion of the proton. The large spheres represent the three valence quarks, the small spheres represent the other quarks that make up the proton, and the springs represent the nuclear force holding them together. (Image by Brookhaven National Laboratory)
 ??  ?? Graphic of quarks annihilati­ng (left red lines), producing a photon (green middle line), and producing two muons (right magenta lines). Scientists detected these muons to gain insight into the quark asymmetry of the proton. (Image by Paul Reimer, Argonne National Laboratory)
Graphic of quarks annihilati­ng (left red lines), producing a photon (green middle line), and producing two muons (right magenta lines). Scientists detected these muons to gain insight into the quark asymmetry of the proton. (Image by Paul Reimer, Argonne National Laboratory)
 ??  ?? AYUSO
 ??  ?? FASSI

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