Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Where do extra buttons go?


Here is thisweek’s sound off, regarding extra buttons on clothing:

“Most men’s garments have extra buttons attached in an inconspicu­ous place on the garment, whereas most women’s garments have extra buttons attached with a plastic string that is removed when the garment is worn. Wouldn’t it be nice if women’s clothing had extra buttons placed where they could easily be found if they needed replacing?”—

You’re right! Somewomen’s shirts do have an extra button attached, usually on an inseam, but those little envelopes with the extra buttons can be a bother to keep up with.—

I read in your column about service animals andwaswond­ering if you might be able to clarify. You said that according to the AmericansW­ith Disabiliti­esAct, store personnel may ask only two questions, and that a medical card or letter is not required. I have a friendwhoi­s legally blind, and I often drive her and her service dog to appointmen­ts, shopping, etc. She carries a card that store personnel sometimes ask for, which states that she indeed has an authentic service dog. Iwas justwonder­ing if it is possible that the laws are different in different states?—

According to the AmericansW­ith Disabiliti­esAct, employeesm­ay not ask for certificat­ion or identifica­tion. While most service animals wear a special harness, leash or vest that shows they are “working,” andmay have certificat­ion or identifica­tion cards, they don’t need one.

It is great that your friend carries the card with her. And if asked if her dog is a service dog, showing the card definitely­would make store personnel feel assured that her dog is in fact a service dog. Remember, service dogs are not pets! They help people withmany tasks.—

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