Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Band hitting the right notes

Hallandale High School Chargers travel to showcase event in Atlanta

- By Sara Shell StaffWrite­r

Lamont Snyder has a passion for more than just music, instrument­s, songs and a beat from the percussion section.

In his17 years at Hallandale High School, the Chargers band director has had a drive to create the very best futures for his students.

“I try to reach as many [ students] as I can,” he said. “I have a passion for them. That’s why I’m here.”

Snyder has arranged trips, performanc­es and competitio­ns allover the state, including in Miami, Daytona and Orlando. But he’s perhaps best known for his yearly trip to Atlanta for the Honda Battle of the Bands, which his students recently attended.

“Alot of the kids have never been out of state,” Snyder said. “We’ve done this trip every year since I’ve been at Hallandale.”

The event is a showcase and competitio­n that features eight black college marching bands, including Morehouse College, South Carolina State, North Carolina A& T and Snyder’s alma mater, BethuneCoo­kman University.

“I always ask the kids after, what college did they like or who did the best,” Snyder said.

But the trip is more than just a fun vacation fromschool. Students have the opportunit­y to see bands at the next level and consider a college career.

“It’s exciting seeing all the college bands perform,” said junior Alleya Williams, a baritone player in the Chargers band. “It makes me want to go to college more. And hopefully it makes other kids want to graduate from high school and go to college, too.”

Because of Snyder’s connection­s, he’s been able to invite college band directors to Hallandale High and host tryouts for his kids.

“I know what [ the directors] are looking for,” he said. “They want kids to sight- read a piece, play a prepared piece and do scales. And they have to have the grades.”

Snyder said he’s had many students earn music scholarshi­ps to schools like BethuneCoo­kman, Florida State and Florida A& M. Additional­ly, last year’s valedictor­ian and salutatori­an were both band members.

“It’s aproud band,” hesaid. “We represent Hallandale, and we represent them well. The band is the spirit of this school and this community.”

The band raises money to help send kids to Atlanta and other competitio­ns and performanc­es.

To help, contact Snyder at 754- 323- 0900 or lamont. snyder@ browardsch­ools. com.

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