Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Waters better choice Vulnerable hurt most

- Mary Ann D’Angio, Boynton Beach

I agree with July 5 letter writer Irwin Cohn. We could have a black female president, but I disagree with his choice.

Condoleeza Rice was national security adviser during the events of 9/11. She allowed President Bush to slash the nation’s security budget by billions, and that lowered our security on 9/11. She warned Bush that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America with airplanes, but she did not intensify security procedures.

Rice also clinched the argument to invade Iraq as a war on terror that would eliminate nonexisten­t

I wish I could say something positive about the Trump administra­tion, but it’s very hard to see anything other than purposeful malevolenc­e. After over five months in office, the vindictive­ness against the most vulnerable Americans continues.

An Associated Press article reported on President Trump’s proposal to eliminate “heating aid for low-income Americans, claiming it’s no longer necessary and rife with fraud.” People needn’t worry about being left in the cold, he said, because utilities cannot cut off customers in the dead of winter.” That kind of illogical statement cannot have a logical reply.

Couple that statement with the tremendous­ly unpopular Republican health care bill (Better Care Reconcilia­tion Act), which will cut Medicaid by 25 percent and transfer that savings to the wealthiest families in America. That tax break to the top 1 percent would cover Medicaid costs for four states.

Multiple analyses of the Republican bill estimates these cuts in affordable health services and Medicaid would cause over 200,000 unnecessar­y deaths. Is that an even trade? Is the Republican­s’ sole purposeof eliminatin­g all things Democratic and/or Obamarelat­ed really worth killing their constituen­ts while keeping their wealthy donors happy?

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