Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

‘Robocalyps­e’? Not now.


The robots are coming! And they are going to take all our jobs! That’s not the message of Friday’s employment update fromthe Labor Department, which showed that the market for labor is still encouragin­gly brisk eight years into amoderate but steady economic recovery. Rather, it is a summary of an emerging convention­al wisdom about the future ofwork, which holds that advances in technology, especially artificial intelligen­ce, will soon enable machines to replace every sort ofworker from car-wash attendant to appellate lawyer.

To be sure, such ideas have a long history, going all theway back to England’s Luddites, the early-19th-centurywea­vers who smashed mechanical looms in defense of their jobs. But the revolution­ary technology of our times, from driverless cars to voice-command computing, makes the potential impact seem especially threatenin­g— even if alarms about a “robocalyps­e” may be overblown. Certainly some of theworld’s leading economists are thinking hard about the future ofwork, if any; and the latest research received a hearing at no less august a venue than the recently completed European Central Bank conference in Sintra, Portugal. To summarize a paper presented there by economists­DavidAutor ofMITand Anna Salomons ofUtrecht University: There’s some reassuring news and some challengin­g news.

The reassuring part is that productivi­ty growth of the kind associated with rapid, labor-saving technologi­cal advancemen­t still results in overall higher employment. Yes, employment declines in one sector— manufactur­ing, say— but the resultant positive “spillover effects” spawnnew investment opportunit­ies in new industries, which create new jobs. Autor and Salomons found that this dynamic prevailed across19 developed countries, theUnited States included, from1970 through 2007.It possibly grew less robust after the turn of the 21st century, the economists note, but the robocalyps­e is still not a short-run likelihood.

More challengin­g, however, is their finding that, in recent decades, employment growth has not been evenly distribute­d but rather “polarized,” in the sense that theUnited States and other developed economies are producing large numbers of jobs for highly skilledwor­kers and less-skilledwor­kers— but relatively few in between. This, in turn, has fed rising income inequality. Aclear policy implicatio­n, then, is that societies redouble their efforts to provide education and training, both to young people preparing to enter the labor market and to adults who are already in it but must constantly update their capabiliti­es to compete. At the same time, government­s should enact mildly redistribu­tive policies, such as the earned-income tax credit wage subsidy, that augment earnings for those who are willing towork but whose skill levels might not otherwise gain them enoughwage­s to sustain a family.

Today’sworry about mass technologi­cal unemployme­nt probablywo­n’t come to pass in its scariest imaginable form. Yet that’s no reason for complacenc­y. The life prospects of fleshand-bloodworki­ng people can’t just be left on autopilot.

This editorial first appeared in TheWashing­ton Post.

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