Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Warning issued on credit card skimmers

- By Cindy Kent Staff writer

Whenfillin­g up your vehicle’s gas tank at the pump, make sure you’re not leaving behind valuable informatio­n, such as credit and debt card details.

The Florida Department of Agricultur­e and Consumer Services regularly inspects gas stations and analyzes samples of petroleum products to ensure consumers are being offered quality products at a fair measure. Additional­ly, the department has found and removed almost 300 credit card skimmers from gas pumps so far this year.

That’s why Commission­er of Agricultur­e Adam H. Putnam is providing tips to help consumers avoid becoming victims. • Pay cash inside. • Check gas pump dispenser cabinet. It should be closed, not tampered with.

• Use gas pump closest to front of store. Thieves often place skimmers at the gas pumps away from the store.

• Use a credit card instead of a debit card. Credit cards have better fraud protection, and the money is not deducted immediatel­y from an account.

• If using a debit card at the pump, choose to run as a credit card. That way, thePINnumb­eris not used.

• Monitor bank accounts to spot unauthoriz­ed charges.

If you suspect your credit/debit card has been compromise­d, report immediatel­y to authoritie­s and the credit card company

Engage with authoritie­s if something does notseem right.

If you suspect that a gas pump has been tampered with, contact the gas station manager, local lawenforce­ment or the department's consumer protection.

Call the informatio­n hotline at 800-435-7352; Spanish speakers 800-352-9832. For more informatio­n, visit FreshFromF­

ckent@sunsentine­, 954-356-4662 or Twitter @mindingyou­rbiz

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