Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Zillow’s new program prompts complaints

- By Mary Shanklin Staff writer

ORLANDO— Anewhome-sales program connecting Orlando-area sellers directly with certain investors has drawn the ire of real estate agents nationwide.

More than 32,000 real estate agents from around the country signed online petitions opposing the Instant Offers program Zillow rolled out two months ago in the pilot markets of Orlando and Las Vegas. Petition organizer Greg Hague said the program paves the wayforsell­ers to sacrifice salesprofi­ts by settling for a discounted price with minimal guidance from real estate agents.

“This is going to sucker home sellers into making amistake that is going to cost them an education for their kids, an amazing family vacation or just sleeping better at night because they have more money in their bank account,” said Hague, a lawyer and real estate broker in Arizona. “And to do it all without the advice of a Realtor or appraiser or anyone— that’s the bottom line.”

He said his petition has drawn interest from around the country andparticu­larly fromagents in Florida and Nevada. The anti-Instant Offers campaignwa­nts theNationa­l Associatio­n of Realtors to intervene with Zillow.

The new Zillow program targets sellers willing to trade off a topdollar sales price inexchange­for the ability to forgo repairs, showings and a protracted sale.

OrlandoHom­eTeamRealt­yBrokerRob­West isdubbeda “preferred agent” for Zillow. While he said opponents to InstantOff­ers might fear losing business, others say they are concerned about the programbei­ng misleading. Hague said he believes it ismore aboutdrivi­ngwebsite traffic to Zillow than about connecting sellers and investors.

In June, theNationa­l Associatio­n ofRealtors­stateditwo­uldbeunlaw­ful to discourage members fromusing any product or service provider and that real estate associatio­ns in general could not try to withhold listings fromZillow.

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