Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Ways alienate new hires

- By Michael Schneider |

early 90 percent of companies estimate that 10 to 25 percent of new employees leave within the first six months on the job. That’s according to a 2017 survey byKorn Ferry, an executive search firm, that netted 1,817 responses fromexecut­ives. Although this can sometimes be chalked up to a new employee simply not being right for the job, early turnover is usually a result of more than one negative experience. Heading off these problems before they add up and send someone running for the door is key. Here are 10 examples of howto drive new employees away. Avoid them, or you may spend a lot of time looking for new employees.

1. Failing to prepare for the new person’s arrival

Let’s set the stage: Excited and eager, you arrive early for your first day on the new job. As youwalk in, you look around, your manager is nowhere to be found and your new colleagues are busy. Finally, someone shows you to your desk, and it’s littered with the remnants of the previous occupant. Your computer is MIA and no one tries to find out what you need. No one shows you where the break roomor bathroom are and no one bothers to take you to lunch.

It may sound overly dramatic, but you’d be surprised howoften this happens, and it sets the tone for the new hire’s experience at your company.

First impression­s are everything, and ensuring that you are prepared sets your new employee up for success— mentally and physically.

Let this question guide you: Howdo youwant the dinner conversati­on to go after your new hire’s first day?

2. Misreprese­nting the job

It’s easy to lose sight of a job’s scope. Over time, responsibi­lities evolve and the same old job descriptio­n just isn’t appropriat­e. One of the major responsibi­lities of onboarding programs and managers is to ensure that the expectatio­ns set during the recruiting process come to fruition.

You can mitigate the risk by performing a job assessment and assuring the descriptio­n is an accurate representa­tion before posting the position. Also, if feasible, include the person currently holding the position in the interviews and ask him or her to have things organized and in good order before leaving the company.

3. Failing to provide support and training

No matter when a new hire starts, it’s never going to be a convenient time as a manager. With a lengthy to-do list, your knee-jerk reaction is going to tell you to skip steps, expedite training and hope that your new employee can figure it all out.

If you expect your employees to be productive, then they need adequate training and support. If not, the feelings of insecurity and frustratio­n will cause them to look for a safer environmen­t.

4. Over-promising and under-delivering

I’m no stranger to a little exaggerati­on. However, when the truth about your culture and environmen­t is stretched, itwon’t take long for your new employees to find out and be forever miffed.

Candidates don’t expect everything to be perfect. Being transparen­t about the atmosphere and admitting its flaws can be the bestway to guarantee the right person gets the job.

Just remember, every promise made during the interview process becomes an expectatio­n. Be careful not to overpromis­e and under-deliver.

5. Taking the ‘bad cop’ approach

Taking the hard-line approach and placing rules and scare tactics ahead of the relationsh­ip can be costly.

Leading with consequenc­es, being aggressive and intimidati­ng employees will cause them to shut down and revolt.

Instead, focus on building relationsh­ips that are rooted in trust and respect, and your employees will be far more fruitful. 6. Putting the newhire on an island

This could go hand in hand with no training, butwould also include zero socializat­ion. If you skip introducti­ons and leave no roomfor networking, people will have a hard time fitting in.

As social creatures, human beings require connection and relationsh­ips to assimilate to new environmen­ts. Without these opportunit­ies, employees feel isolated and excluded.

7. Offending the newhire

This could include being impolite, unapprecia­tive, disrespect­ful or employing constant criticism. If this happens, even once within the first couple of days, employees assume it’s a chronic issue. (You’re supposed to be on your best behavior for at least the firstweek.)

8. Being hypocritic­al

“Do as I say, not as I do” never works. Expectatio­ns for one team member should be the same for everyone.

If not, thoughts of favoritism and divisivene­ss will quickly drive your team apart. Lead by example.

9. Micromanag­ing

Direction and coaching is one thing, breathing down someone’s neck is another. Peoplewant to feel a sense of autonomy and mutual respect. Trust people to do their jobs.

10. Negative talk

On their first day, new employees are searching for validation. They are looking for evidence that supports their decision to join the organizati­on.

If there are rumors flying around and talk of conflict, then their vulnerabil­ity and thoughts of doubtwill be exacerbate­d.

Once you lose the trust and respect of your employees, it will be almost impossible to regain it. Managers who have their employees’ backs and take accountabi­lity for their actions gain the respect and admiration of their teams.

These things may be happening at a lowboil, so it pays to look carefully at the culture. HRand onboarding profession­als can prevent the situations above fromhappen­ing and can greatly decrease early turnover and increase new hire engagement.


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