Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Poll: Americans blame extremes of weather on global warming

- By Seth Borenstein and Emily Swanson

WASHINGTON — After hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria blitzed the nation, most Americans think weather disasters are getting more severe and see global warming’s fingerprin­ts.

A new poll from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that 68 percent of Americans think weather disasters seem to be worsening, compared to 28 percent who think they are staying the same and only 4 percent who say they are less severe.

And 46 percent of those who think it’s getting worse blame man-made climate change mostly or solely for the wild weather, while another 39 percent say it’s a combinatio­n of global warming and natural variabilit­y.

“Just with all the hurricanes that are happening this year it just seems like things are kind of mixed up,” said Kathy Weber, 46, a stay-at-home mom from Menomonie, Wis.

Susan Cutter, who directs the Hazards and Vulnerabil­ity Research Institute at the University of South Carolina, said she’s not surprised by the poll results.

“How can you not” notice it, Cutter said. “The public sees the connection because they see it happening to their neighbors, themselves. They see it on television. And they’re not responding to a particular political constituen­cy.”

Cutter and other experts say from a science perspectiv­e, it is clear that the United States is getting more extreme weather and climate change plays a role.

This year has seen 15 weather disasters that cost $1 billion or more, tied for the most in the first nine months of the year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion.

An analysis of 167 years of federal storm data by The Associated Press finds that no 30-year period in history has seen this many major hurricanes, this many days of those storms spinning in the Atlantic, or this much overall energy generated by those powerful storms.

Even though she went down to help Hurricane Harvey victims in Texas as a missionary and midwife, Gwendolyn Posey of Oklahoma just doesn’t see any increase in extreme weather.

“I don’t think it’s manmade climate change,” Posey said. “It’s always changing one way or another. It’s always in flux.”

Posey points to a record 12-year period during which no major hurricane hit the United States. During that time period, Atlantic hurricanes were still more active than normal, but didn’t hit the mainland United States.

“Anytime the government starts ramming things down my throat, I immediatel­y think it’s wrong,” said Posey, a mother of 10, farmer and doctor of natural medicine. “Truth speaks for itself.”

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