Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Chair-wielding woman bashes armed attacker

A second gunman fled with $10,000, detectives say

- By Lisa J. Huriash Staff writer

Two robbers with masks and guns were pummeling a man and his wife. But the woman fought back — repeatedly smashing a metal chair over one attacker’s head.

The couple were able to hang on to one of the attackers — at 245 pounds — until deputies arrived. But the other gunman had already grabbed a bag containing $10,000 and gotten away.

The Broward Sheriff’s Office said Elvia Castellon and her husband, Javier Ibarra, were returning to their Oakland Park home from their business, Paradise III Bar and Grill, 3809 Powerline Road in the Palm Key Plaza, also in Oakland Park, on Sunday night.

They were confronted by two masked men who had been hiding in some bushes. The men waved guns and demanded the couple’s money. Castellon was carrying the bag of cash, officials said.

The couple fought instead.

One of the attackers, identified by the Sheriff’s Office as Bennie Fulmore, beat Ibarra in the head and face with a gun. The second man, who is still uni-

dentified, went after Castellon, pointing the gun in her face and hitting her with it. When she fell to the ground, the thief kicked her until he was able to pull the bag of money away from her. Then he ran away.

But Ibarra was still fighting Fulmore and wrestled the gun away, according to the arrest report.

When Castellon was able to get up and saw Fulmore on top of her husband, punching him, she grabbed a metal chair and hit him repeatedly until her husband could get out from under Fulmore. Together, they were able to overpower Fulmore until deputies arrived, according to the report.

Fulmore, 51, was arrested on five charges and is being held without bond. Authoritie­s said he has served prison time on seven separate occasions since 1983 and was currently on probation for a robbery conviction.

Three of Ibarra’s ribs were broken and he needed staples to close a head wound. Castellon also needed staples after being hit in the face and head with the handgun.

Castellon declined comment Tuesday, saying she and her husband had been instructed by detectives not to talk about the investigat­ion.

Three of Ibarra’s ribs were broken and he needed staples to close a head wound. Castellon also needed staples.

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