Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

U.S. withholds $65M in aid for Palestinia­ns

- By Matthew Lee Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The Trump administra­tion Tuesday cut tens of millions of dollars in money for Palestinia­n refugees, demanding that the U.N. agency responsibl­e for the programs undertake a “fundamenta­l re-examinatio­n,” the State Department said.

In a letter, the State Department notified the U.N. Relief and Works Agency that the U.S. is withholdin­g $65 million of a planned $125 million funding installmen­t. The letter also makes clear that additional U.S. donations will be contingent on major changes by UNRWA, which Israel has heavily criticized.

“We would like to see some reforms be made,” said State Department spokeswoma­n Heather Nauert, adding that changes are needed to the way the agency operates and is funded. “This is not aimed at punishing anyone.”

The State Department said it was releasing $60 million of the installmen­t to prevent the agency from running out of cash by the end of the month and closing down.

The U.S. is UNWRA’s largest donor, supplying nearly 30 percent of its budget. The agency focuses on providing health care, education and social services to Palestinia­ns in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinia­ns fled or were forced from their homes during the war that led to Israel’s establishm­ent in 1948. Today, there are an estimated 5 million refugees and their descendant­s, mostly scattered across the region.

The Palestine Liberation Organizati­on reacted angrily to the move, saying it is targeting “the most vulnerable segment of the Palestinia­n people and depriving the refugees of the right to education, health, shelter and a dignified life.”

“It is also creating conditions that will generate further instabilit­y throughout the region and will demonstrat­e that it has no compunctio­n in targeting the innocent,” the PLO leadership said in a statement.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was not aware of the decision but warned that UNRWA provides “vital services.”

“I am very concerned and I strongly hope that in the end it will be possible for the United States to maintain the funding of UNRWA in which the U.S. has a very important share,” he told reporters at the U.N.

Israel’s ambassador to the U.N., Danny Danon, praised the move, arguing that UNRWA misuses humanitari­an aid to support propaganda against the Jewish state and perpetuate the Palestinia­ns’ plight.

“It is time for this absurdity to end and for humanitari­an funds to be directed towards their intended purpose: the welfare of refugees,” Danon said in a statement.

The U.S. donated $355 million to UNWRA in 2016 and was set to make a similar contributi­on this year. But after a critical Jan. 2 tweet from Trump on aid to the Palestinia­ns, the State Department opted to wait for a formal policy decision before sending its first installmen­t.

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