Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Our elections are in danger. Congress must defend them

- By Marco Rubio and Chris Van Hollen

While the 2016 election may have left our country divided on many issues, it exposed one critical problem that should unite all Americans: Our democratic process is vulnerable to attacks by hostile foreign powers. As our intelligen­ce community unanimousl­y assessed, Russia used social media channels to influence and mislead voters. It also hacked political campaign committees and local elections boards in a brazen attempt to undermine and subvert our elections.

There is no reason to think this meddling will be an isolated incident. In fact, we expect the threat will grow in future years. The United States must do everything possible to prevent these attacks in the future — and lay out the consequenc­es well in advance of our next elections. On Tuesday, we introduced bipartisan legislatio­n to do just that.

Our bill, the Defending Elections from Threats by Establishi­ng Redlines Act, would send a powerful message to any foreign actor seeking to disrupt our elections: If you attack American candidates, campaigns or voting infrastruc­ture, you will face severe consequenc­es.

We believe that clearly outlining our deterrence strategy will send an important message to any adversary contemplat­ing interferin­g in a future U.S. election. This legislatio­n uses key national security tools to dissuade hostile foreign powers from meddling in our elections by ensuring the costs outweigh the benefits.

To start, we must ensure there is a system for continued monitoring and reporting on foreign threats to elections — and clear punishment­s if attacks occur. Our legislatio­n would require the director of national intelligen­ce to issue a determinat­ion to Congress, within one month after every federal election, on whether any foreign government had interfered in that election.

The Deter Act also spells out actions that would elicit retaliatio­n. A foreign power cannot purchase advertisem­ents to influence an election, including online ads, or use social and traditiona­l media — such as the thousands of trolls and botnets deployed by the Kremlin — to spread significan­t amounts of false informatio­n to Americans. They also cannot hack, leak or modify election and campaign infrastruc­ture, including voter registrati­on databases and campaign emails. Finally, no foreign power can block or otherwise hinder access to elections infrastruc­ture, such as websites providing informatio­n on polling locations.

Because we know Russia has already employed many of these actions, the Deter Act would mandate a set of severe sanctions if the director of national intelligen­ce should determine that the Kremlin had once again interfered in a U.S. federal election. Within 10 days of such a determinat­ion, our bill would require the administra­tion to impose sanctions on major sectors of the Russian economy, including finance, energy, defense, metals and mining. It would also block the assets of every senior Russian political figure or oligarch and prevent them from entering the United States. We also would require the administra­tion to work with the European Union to enlist its support in adopting a sanctions regime to broaden the impact.

These sanctions are far tougher than any action taken on Russia to date and would send an unequivoca­l message to the Kremlin: We will not tolerate an attack on our democracy.

But Russia is not our only concern. The director of national intelligen­ce has identified China, Iran and North Korea as our other major foreign government cyberthrea­ts, and they may also seek to exploit U.S. vulnerabil­ities in the next election cycle. That is why our legislatio­n would require the administra­tion to present Congress with a plan for preventing interferen­ce in our elections for each of these countries, plus any other foreign state of significan­t concern, within 90 days of the Deter Act becoming law.

We cannot underscore enough the urgency of this issue. In less than a year, Americans will head to the ballot box for the midterm elections. Our next presidenti­al election will be here before we know it. It is unrealisti­c to think we can simply sit back and hope that we do not face another attack by a hostile foreign power.

We and other lawmakers stand willing to work with the administra­tion to develop additional cybersecur­ity policies that will help protect our election infrastruc­ture and develop a broad-based deterrence strategy.

The United States must be fully prepared to defend our country, and the Deter Act would put in place a bipartisan, comprehens­ive strategy to prevent future attacks on our elections. We urge Congress to pass it without delay.

Marco Rubio, a Republican, represents Florida in the U.S. Senate. Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat, represents Maryland in the U.S. Senate.

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