Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Trial delayed for ex-officer in fatal shooting of Corey Jones

- By Marc Freeman Staff writer

The trial of the former police officer who shot and killed stranded motorist Corey Jones will be delayed three months, as the defense fights for the charges to be dismissed under the “stand your ground” selfdefens­e law.

Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Samantha Schosberg Feuer on Wednesday set jury selection for Nouman Raja’s trial to begin July 16, canceling plans for April.

The new schedule calls for two days of hearings March 28 and March 29 for testimony and arguments about whether Raja deserves immunity from prosecutio­n in the Oct. 18, 2015 shooting in Palm Beach Gardens.

Florida’s “stand your ground law” says someone does not have to retreat and can legally use deadly force if the person reasonably believes doing so is necessary “to prevent imminent death.”

Both prosecutor­s and defense attorneys told the judge that it would be impossible to hold the trial in April because her ruling on the “stand your ground” issue will be appealed no matter what she decides.

The defense said it would ask the Fourth District Court of Appeal to overturn an order by the trial court that would deny Raja’s selfdefens­e claim, while the prosecutor­s said they would file an appeal if the charges wind up being dropped.

Raja, 40, faces two charges: manslaught­er by culpable negligence while armed, and attempted firstdegre­e murder with a firearm.

Clinton Jones Sr., father of the 31-year-old shooting victim, told reporters he’s disappoint­ed by the latest trial delay and the defense’s contention that the shooting was justifiabl­e because Corey Jones had pointed a gun at the plaincloth­es officer. “We’re not going to give up,” the father said. “We still believe we’re going to get justice for our son.”

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