Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Loss of embryos brings heartbreak

- By Ben Guarino The Washington Post

Many of them had already endured their share of heartache.

Some had been trying for years to get pregnant, suffering through multiple miscarriag­es.

Others had undergone cancer treatments that destroyed their fertility.

Now, hundreds of these women and couples have learned that the eggs and embryos they froze for eventual use in starting or expanding a family may have been destroyed by storage tank failures March 4 at two fertility clinics in suburban Cleveland and San Francisco.

Authoritie­s are investigat­ing what went wrong to cause the biggest such loss in the U.S. since in vitro fertilizat­ion began nearly four decades ago.

But some of these patients at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and the Pacific Fertility Clinic fear their last, best chance of having children may be gone.

Devastatin­g news: Marlo Emch didn’t grow up with a brother or sister near her age.

That’s why she desperatel­y wanted another child after giving birth last April to a son conceived through in vitro fertilizat­ion.

She imagined her son having a partner to help navigate life, and someone who would be there after she and her husband were gone.

“It makes me sad to think he may never have a sibling close to his age,” she said.

Emch and her husband, Jeremy, married in their late 30s and struggled to have a child, losing one pregnancy after three months, before turning to a fertility clinic.

“People who are able to conceive naturally have no idea of the level of despair a woman has when they can’t become pregnant,” she said.

Everything worked perfectly with the birth of their son, and they planned trying for just one more this spring until being told last week that their seven remaining embryos may no longer be viable.

The couple, both now 42, won’t know until the embryos are thawed and tested.

“Chances are very, very low. The mother in me has to find out for sure. I almost feel like I’m going to have to grieve all over again,” said Emch, who lives in Burton, Ohio.

Since receiving the devastatin­g news, she started a Facebook support group open to the 700 affected patients from the Cleveland clinic.

One woman told of how her husband has died since the couple froze their embryos.

“That was her last connection to him,” Emch said. suburban

All hope gone instantly: Before undergoing chemothera­py at age 23 for a rare cancer that affects bones and soft tissue, Elliott Ash decided to have his sperm frozen.

He hadn’t even met his future wife but knew he wanted children someday.

Married five years ago, he and his wife decided in 2014 to start the process of having a child through in vitro fertilizat­ion while in their early 30s.

Their son was born the next year, and two frozen embryos remained in storage at University Hospitals.

“In an instant, everything was taken away,” said Amber Ash.

Doctors have told the couple the embryos did not survive the thaw.

Her first thought was about her son and his lost opportunit­y to have a genetic sibling.

While her husband’s cancer is in remission, chemothera­py left him sterile.

Creating new embryos with his sperm is no longer an option.

The Bay Village, Ohio, couple was among the first to file a lawsuit against the hospital.

“So many of us were cheated, cheated of the opportunit­y to start families or expand our families,” said Amber Ash.

“Our motive really is we want to prevent this from happening again. To prevent another family from going through this complete nightmare.”

Answers sought: Katie Miller has had two children using her frozen embryos

German paleontolo­gist Christian Erich Hermann von Meyer wrote a short paper in 1861 about a fossil so unusual he first thought it was a fake. What appeared to be a bird feather was pressed into 150-million-year-old limestone.

Von Meyer labeled it Archaeopte­ryx, meaning old wing, and a full skeleton was found shortly thereafter.

The bones, discovered two years after Charles Darwin published his “On the Origin of Species,” revealed a path to modern birds from their prehistori­c ancestors.

This discovery was a hint of a revelation to come much later — birds are living dinosaurs.

During the next 150-plus years, paleontolo­gists discovered 10 more Archaeopte­ryx skeletons. A picture of the creature emerged, of a dinosaur the size of a crow, weighing little more than a pound and covered in plumage.

But feathers, as the penguin and ostrich know, do not necessaril­y mean flight.

A new report in Nature Communicat­ions suggests that Archaeopte­ryx probably flapped through the air. The dinosaur did so unlike any bird flying today. Archaeopte­ryx used more shoulder action, the authors of the new report say.

Imagine something like a butterfly stroke, according to Dennis Voeten, a researcher at the European Synchrotro­n Radiation Facility in France and the study’s lead author. and was starting treatments at Pacific Fertility Clinic so she could have a third when she was got an email saying something went wrong.

She was among 500 people who have been told their embryos were in a storage tank that had dangerousl­y low liquid nitrogen levels.

The clinic said the embryos were transferre­d to a new tank.

“You don’t even think about what’s happening in the lab. You just assume that that’s really being taken care of and that’s not something to worry about,” Miller told KGO-TV in San Francisco.

The extent of the damage has not been disclosed.

“There really are so many questions at this point, and hopefully, there will be some good news,” she said.

“But at the same time, there have to be people who have already received probably very devastatin­g news.”

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 ?? TONY DEJAK/AP ?? Marlo Emch and her husband were told this month that their seven remaining embryos may no longer be viable.
TONY DEJAK/AP Marlo Emch and her husband were told this month that their seven remaining embryos may no longer be viable.

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