Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Zinke creates another panel of industry advisers


WASHINGTON — Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has appointed 16 representa­tives of the outdoor recreation industry to advise him on how to operate public lands, according to The Washington Post.

The “Made in America” Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee marks the third time the secretary has assembled panels to help chart policies affecting their businesses and includes officials representi­ng companies with National Park Service contracts in the hospitalit­y sector and the manufactur­ing, fishing, boating and all-terrain vehicle industries.

The majority of members of the Royalty Policy Committee hail from the oil, gas and mining industries; the new Internatio­nal Wildlife Conservati­on Council is largely composed of people with ties to trophy hunting.

Spain’s showdown with Catalonia’s separatist leaders moved Monday to German courts as the region’s former president, Carles Puigdemont, began what could be an effort to avoid extraditio­n. A court in Germany, where Puigdemont was arrested Sunday, ruled he has to remain in custody during extraditio­n proceeding­s.

Legislatio­n in Vermont that would make it easier to take guns from suicidal people and perpetrato­rs of domestic violence could receive final approval from the state Legislatur­e this week, officials said Monday. Separate legislatio­n would raise the legal age for gun purchases and expand background checks.

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