Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Pregnancy will have age-related risks

- Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health

Dear Dr. Roach: Would you please comment on common or uncommon issues that might be expected in a pregnancy at age 57?

I am overall very healthy, with no issues other than slightly elevated LDL. I had four full-term pregnancie­s, the last at age 35 (after which I had my tubes tied), and no miscarriag­es.

I asked my doctor two years ago if I would have an issue being a surrogate and was told there was no reason I couldn’t be, but my current physician told me that it can be very dangerous at my age.

I am concerned that the practice is just covering itself against liability. I realize that this is my decision alone and I would not hold my doctors accountabl­e, but I’d like the truth regarding potential issues. — M.V.

I admire your willingnes­s to consider being a surrogate. However, the risks of pregnancy in a 57-year-old woman are significan­t.

A study from the U.K. from 2016 quantified the risks pretty thoroughly; however, of the 233 women studied, only two of them were older than 57. So, your risks would probably be higher than the average risk for the older mothers that were monitored in that study.

One major risk for older mothers, Down syndrome, may not apply, since the ovum (egg) you would carry would be from another woman and it is her age that determines the risk for the fetus.

Common risks are high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia (toxemia), diabetes, hemorrhage, Caesarean, preterm delivery or miscarriag­e. Plus, older mothers also are more likely to carry more than one fetus.

Maternal death is more likely for older women. However, that risk less than 2 per 1,000 in a separate Swedish study of mothers over 45.

Overall, the risks are not small. Think through your risks before making a decision. I’m disappoint­ed in the lack of advice you received.

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