Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Reject Broward Penny Sales Tax


Why vote No? Because it’s been proven time and time again that politician­s cannot be trusted to keep their word, especially when it comes to taxpayer money.

This penny increase is going to be for a period of 30 years. No taxpayer in Broward County should approve that. What is more reasonable? How about a penny increase for a three-year period? The Transporta­tion Committee estimates the penny will give Broward $300 million per year. After three years, that’s almost $1 billion, that’s a B dollars. Surely the politician­s will be able to show how and where that money is being spent, the progress on various projects.

The sales tax increase was allegedly going to be shared with local cities and towns, however there is no concrete plan in place to do that. Local cities and towns have their own roads and infrastruc­ture needs, including some major thoroughfa­res to maintain but Broward County will hold the purse strings.

Remember the $880 million school board bond issue passed several years ago? A total disaster with infighting, bickering, cost overruns etc. Very little accomplish­ed.

Remember the Florida Lottery referendum years ago? Voters were promised that the proceeds from the lottery were going to be solely for education. How did that turn out?

The penny sales tax referendum mandates an “Independen­t Oversight board to monitor projects, etc.” Oversight Board appointed by whom? The same politician­s that are pushing for the penny sales tax increase to pass. Here come all the friends, partners, cousins, business associates.

Vote NO. Let this group come back to the citizens and voters of Broward County with something easier to swallow. A three-ear period during which time it is proven to the voters that the politician­s will do what they say they will do. Then the voters can vote again to re-new the sales tax for another, even longer period of time.

Charles Mussoline Sr.,

Cooper City

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