Sun Sentinel Broward Edition


- All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — horizontal­ly, vertically, diagonally, even backward. Find them and The leftover letters spell the Wonderword. Amy Dickinson Dr. PKaeui l DoRnoahcuh­e

5 9

14 15 16


Cartman on “South Park” John follower European farewell Default takeback Formal agreement Two-time Argentine president 17 Famous __ 18 Keys for Elton 20 They may be added to soup 22 Tennis’

Open __ 23 Smoothtalk­ing 24 Fight

28 “25” album

maker 30 Federal URL

ending 31 Lennon’s lady 32 Recognitio­n


36 Prop for

Frosty 38 Crown installer’s org.

39 Short strings? 40 Camp

activities 45 Inventor’s

monogram 46 Head for Vegas? Carpenter’s joint 47 49 Like Justice League members 51 Stub __ 53 Stroke that doesn’t count 55 Vegas device used literally in three puzzle answers 58 Prime hotel

time 61 Assessment 62 Comforting

words 63 Support at

sea 64 Destructiv­e

Greek god 65 Genres 66 Watch pair? 67 Sly attentiong­etter 1 2


Rub out Rider on a shark Audio system connector Cuban thing Hotter Color named for a sea animal Detective role for Beatty Cleaning area Say yes Reasonbase­d faith Lyricist Gershwin Many ages Mattel game since 1992 Furnishing­s and such Root beer alternativ­e 25 Proprietor­s for word lovers 26 Diarist Frank 27 Elves’ output 29 Ram fans? 30 Camping

stuff 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 33 Root beer

since 1937 34 Epidemicfi­ghting agcy. 35 You won’t see one at Westminste­r 36 Trail 37 Requiem Mass hymn word They’re assumed 42 Mother-ofpearl 43 Bottom lines 44 Feudal estate 48 John Wick

portrayer 50 Natural clay

pigment 51 Evaluate 52 More of that 54 Secret

rendezvous 56 Title for Helen

Mirren 57 Flutter 58 Baseball stat 59 Standoffis­h 60 Mountain

pass 41 HOW TO PLAY:

CIRCLE THEIR LETTERS ONLY. DO NOT CIRCLE THE WORD. Acupunctur­ists, Adjust, Advise, Alternativ­e, Assessment, Balance, Benefits, Blood, Bone, Books, Build, Causes, Certified, Choices, Cleanse, Coach, Colon, Crops, Diet, Digest, Disease, Educate, Essentials, Fiber, Formula, Guidance, Herbs, Jobs, Natural, Nuts, Oils, Plants, Regenerate, Safe, Seeds, Spiritual, Studies, Therapy, Trained, Water, Well

Wednesday’s Answer: Eight Beats

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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