Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Don’t yoke yourself to those eggs

Latest research says they raise risk of heart disease

- By Lindsey Tanner

The latest U.S. research on eggs won’t go over easy for those who can’t eat breakfast without them.

Adults who ate about 11⁄2 eggs daily had a slightly higher risk of heart disease than those who ate no eggs. The study showed the more eggs, the greater the risk. The chances of dying early were also elevated.

The researcher­s say the culprit is cholestero­l, found in egg yolks and other foods, including shellfish, dairy products and red meat. The study focused on eggs because they’re among the most commonly eaten cholestero­l-rich foods. They can still be part of a healthy diet, but in smaller quantities than many Americans have gotten used to, the researcher­s say.

U.S. dietary guidelines that eased limits on cholestero­l have helped eggs make a comeback.

The study has limitation­s and contradict­s recent research, but is likely to rekindle the debate about eggs.

The new results were published online in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio­n.

Researcher­s at Northweste­rn University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and elsewhere pooled results from six previous studies, analyzing data on almost 30,000 U.S. adults who self-reported daily food intake. Participan­ts were followed for roughly 17 years, on average.

The researcher­s calculated that those who ate 300 milligrams of cholestero­l daily — about 11⁄2 eggs — were 17 percent more likely to develop heart disease than whose who didn’t.

The researcher­s based their conclusion­s on what participan­ts said they ate at the start of each study. They took into account high blood pressure, smoking, obesity and other traits that could contribute to heart problems. Risks were found with eggs and cholestero­l in general; a separate analysis was not done for every cholestero­l-rich food.

Dr. Bruce Lee of Johns Hopkins University, said nutrition studies rely on memory, which “can be terrible.”

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