Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

The problem with playing pharmacist

- Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@ or mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: My wife has been diagnosed with atrial fibrillati­on. Doctors tried an electrical cardiovers­ion, but it came back after a few days. She is taking metoprolol and Eliquis. We have read about the supplement­s red clover, turmeric, omega-3 and hawthorn. Should she take supplement­s instead? — J.C.

Please don’t do that, and me explain why.

Atrial fibrillati­on is an abnormal heart rhythm. The goal of treating it is first to relieve symptoms, and second, to reduce the risk of stroke. Blood clots can form inside the heart when the atria are fibrillati­ng. Those clots can break off and go into the blood vessels of the brain, causing cell death and loss of function in that part of the brain. That’s a stroke.

Your wife is taking metoprolol to slow the heart rate. Atrial fibrillati­on causes the ventricles to go too fast, causing a sensation of fast heart rate and palpitatio­ns. Metoprolol protects the heart from damage from a too-fast heart rate, in addition to relieving symptoms. Apixaban (Eliquis) is a powerful anticoagul­ant, reducing the risk of clot formation.

Red clover is usually used in herbal medicine for its estrogen-like activities. Unfortunat­ely, estrogens INCREASE clot risk, so this herbal medicine absolutely should not be used by someone at risk for clots. Sweet clover hay is the source of warfarin, another anticoagul­ant in people with atrial fibrillati­on: This may be the source of confusion.

Turmeric is an antioxidan­t that does have some mild anticoagul­ant properties. It is not powerful enough to do the job.

Omega-3 fish oils were once thought to reduce risk of atrial fibrillati­on; unfortunat­ely, a 2013 study showed no benefit.

Hawthorn has two potential benefits: It acts as a beta blocker as well as an anticoagul­ant. However, no trials have proven its effectiven­ess. It may interfere with her medicines. let

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