Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Vegetarian seeks healthy source

- Write to Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@ or mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I’ve been a vegetarian for the past few years, and I’m concerned about how to get enough protein without consuming meat. I was supplement­ing my diet with protein drinks and protein bars, but now I’ve been told that because these are processed foods, they’re not good for my health. What are the healthy sources? — A.

The concern about getting enough protein is largely overblown. A well-balanced vegetarian diet contains all the protein a person needs. Protein needs depend on size and activity, but a rough estimate of 50 grams, about 2 ounces, is adequate for most. The average vegetarian and vegan diets contain more than 70 grams of protein.

Many protein drinks and bars do contain processed foods, which should be kept to a minimum. However, some have much less of these.

Excellent protein sources for vegans include soy; lentils; chickpeas and other beans; and some cereal grains. These might be important to emphasize when protein needs are higher.

Dear Dr. Roach: I am wondering if older people (87) need more sleepazy? — H.S.

Older people often sleep a bit less as they get older, but that is by no means universal. The recommende­d range is seven to eight hours per night for those over 65.

If you feel well rested when you get up; don’t get sleepy during the day, and fall asleep within 30 minutes upon going to bed, then it’s likely you are getting the right amount of sleep for you.

You should consider sleep problems, particular­ly sleep apnea. In addition to feeling sleepy during the day, loud snoring and especially having periods of time not breathing at night (as witnessed by a partner) are signs of sleep apnea. Poor-quality sleep can lead to people sleeping longer hours but still not feeling rested.

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