Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Biden seeking national unity

Democrats nominate former VP to take on President Trump

- By Steve Peoples and Alexandra Jaffe

Joe Biden accepts Democratic presidenti­al nomination hoping to unify his party and a divided nation.

WILMINGTON, Del. — Joe Biden accepted the Democratic presidenti­al nomination Thursday night, achieving the pinnacle of his nearly five-decade political career in the climax of the most unorthodox national convention in modern history.

He’s also hoping for initial steps to not only unify the diverse Democratic Party but a deeply divided America as well.

The former vice president, who at 77 years old would be the oldest president ever elected, was feted by family and former foes as he becomes the Democratic Party’s official standard bearer in the campaign to defeat President Donald Trump in November.

A day after California Sen. Kamala Harris became the first woman of color to accept a major party’s vice presidenti­al nomination, Biden campaign co-chair Lisa Blunt Rochester, a Delaware congresswo­man, predicted that Thursday would be “a whole ’nother level of special.”

Above all, Biden is expected to focus on uniting the deeply divided nation as Americans grapple with the long and fearful health crisis, the related economic devastatio­n and a national awakening on racial justice.

“I knew that of all the incredible candidates we have across that platform, Joe Biden was the one who could unite us. From Harlem to the heartland, he was the one who could unite us,” Blunt Rochester said in a briefing previewing the final night of the four-day convention.

The positive focus Thursday night marked a break from the dire warnings offered by former President Barack Obama and others the night before. The 44th president of the United States warned that American democracy itself could falter if Trump is reelected, while Harris and 2016 presidenti­al nominee Hillary Clinton declared that Americans’ lives and livelihood­s are at risk.

Throughout their convention, the Democrats have summoned a collective urgency about the dangers of Trump as president. In 2016, they dismissed and sometimes trivialize­d him. In the days leading up to Biden’s acceptance speech, they cast him as an existentia­l threat to the country.

The tone signaled anew that the fall campaign between Trump and Joe Biden, already expected to be among the most negative of the past half century, will be filled with rancor and recriminat­ion.

Beyond Biden’s highly anticipate­d speech, Thursday’s program was designed to highlight the diversity of the Democratic Party and the nation he hopes to lead.

Speakers included four former rivals: Pete Buttigieg, who was trying to become the nation’s first openly gay president; New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker; New York ultra-billionair­e Michael Bloomberg and entreprene­ur Andrew Yang. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms will also be featured in addition to Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who lost both legs while serving in Iraq.

Biden’s Democratic Party has sought this week to put forward a cohesive vision of values and policy priorities, highlighti­ng efforts to combat climate change, tighten gun laws and embrace a humane immigratio­n policy. They have drawn a sharp contrast with Trump’s policies and personalit­y, portraying him as cruel, self-centered and woefully unprepared to manage virtually any of the nation’s mounting crises and policy challenges.

It’s unclear if tearing down Trump will be enough to propel Biden to victory in November.

Just 74 days before the election, the former vice president must energize the disparate factions that make up the modern Democratic Party — a coalition that spans generation, race and ideology. And this fall voters must deal with concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic that has created health risks for those who want to vote in person — and postal slowdowns for mail-in ballots, which Democrats blame on Trump.

The pandemic has also forced Biden’s team to abandon the typical pageantry and rely instead on a highly-produced, all-virtual affair that has failed to draw the same television ratings as past convention­s.

It’s Trump’s turn next. The Republican president, who abandoned plans to host his convention in North Carolina and in Florida, is expected to break tradition and accept his nomination from the White House lawn next week.

In the meantime, he’s seeking to take attention from Biden. Trump was continuing this week’s swing-state tour on Thursday with a stop near Biden’s birthplace of Scranton, Pennsylvan­ia. While he is trying to stay on offense, the president has faced a series distractio­ns of his own this week, many of his own making.

Trump on Wednesday praised a conspiracy­theory group that believes the president’s political opponents support satanism and pedophilia.

On Thursday, a federal judge ruled that prosecutor­s could access his long-hidden tax returns. Also Thursday, New York prosecutor­s announced the indictment of Steve Bannon, Trump’s former campaign manager and White House chief counsel, who was charged with fraud.

Biden adviser Symone Sanders welcomed Trump’s attempt to troll Biden by campaignin­g in Pennsylvan­ia.

“We actually appreciate President Trump going out there because the American people will get to see a tale of two presidents tonight,” Sanders said. “You will see Donald Trump doing what he always does, talking about himself. You will see Vice President Biden tonight talking about the American people, talking about his vision for the future, being hopeful and upbeat.”

 ?? OLIVIER DOULIERY/GETTY-AFP ?? Democrats are looking to Joe Biden to emphasize uniting the nation as he launches his run as the presidenti­al nominee.
OLIVIER DOULIERY/GETTY-AFP Democrats are looking to Joe Biden to emphasize uniting the nation as he launches his run as the presidenti­al nominee.

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