Sun Sentinel Broward Edition

Goren Bridge

- Bob Jones Email responses may be sent gorenbridg­

1 Pass 2

3 Pass ?

What call would you make?

A: This is too good for 4H. Bid 4C on the way and see if he’ll give you a 4D bid.

Q: North-South vulnerable, South, you hold:

♠ AQ2 ♥ A J74


1 ♣ Pass 1 Pass What call would you make?

A: Bid 4H, showing a hand worth 18-19. Should you play splinter bids, this will also deny singleton or void.

Q: East-West vulnerable, you hold:

♠ J5 ♥ 9 5 ♦ K J754 ♣ A J 6 3 West opens 1S-Pass-Pass to you. What call would you make?

A: It is dangerous to bid. Not that you’ll be penalized, but the opponents will be cold for a spade or heart game often enough to worry you. Pass.

Q: Both vulnerable, hold:

♠ J9


AK J75


as as as


South, you

A8754 WEST Pass

1 ♦ Pass 1

2 ♥ Pass ?

What call would you make?

A: You are unlikely to have a slam, but it is possible. Bid 3C as a game try, even though you will always bid game later. Should 4C, let’s talk again.

Q: North-South vulnerable, South, you hold:

♠ AK 753 9752 partner as bid

J873 SOUTH ?

1 1


What call would you make?

A: You could not be faulted for passing, but we like 2S. Should you have to put this hand down as dummy, slide a club in with your spades and hope no one notices.

Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

10 8 7 4

Pass Pass 1 Pass Pass Pass Pass ? What call would you make? A: Partner scraped up a balancing overcall and pushed the opponents to the two level. Despite your good fit, take your potential profit and pass.

(Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. E-mail responses may be sent to



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