Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Mike Pence vows support for NATO

In Munich, vows Trump will ‘stand with’ wary Europe

- By Ken Thomas

Vice President assures audience at Munich Security Conference the U.S. commits to alliance.

MUNICH — Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday conveyed a message to jittery partners that the Trump administra­tion will “hold Russia accountabl­e” and maintain steadfast support for NATO, a military alliance that the American commander in chief once dismissed as “obsolete.”

In his overseas debut as vice president, Pence told the audience at the Munich Security Conference that the U.S. would be “unwavering” in its commitment to NATO and that President Donald Trump would “stand with Europe.”

Addressing the violence in Ukraine, Pence said the U.S. would demand that Russia honor a 2015 deal to end violence in eastern Ukraine between government forces and Russiaback­ed separatist­s. He did not mention findings by U.S. intelligen­ce agencies that Russia interfered in last year’s presidenti­al election to help Trump win.

“Know this: The United States will continue to hold Russia accountabl­e, even as we search for new common ground which as you know President Trump believes can be found,” Pence said.

Pence’s address and a series of one-on-one meetings with world leaders along the sidelines sought to calm nervous European allies who remain concerned about Russian aggression, including its annexation of Crimea. Many have been alarmed by Trump’s positive statements about Russian President Vladimir Putin and worry that Trump may pursue isolationi­st tendencies.

After his speech, Pence met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who called for the maintenanc­e of internatio­nal alliances and told the audience, with Pence seated nearby, that NATO is “in the American interest.”

In back-to-back speeches at the conference, Merkel and Pence appeared to find common ground about NATO, whose members have been urged by the U.S. to spend more on defense. But while Merkel praised the broader internatio­nal organizati­ons that have been a key part of the post-Cold War global order, Pence’s silence on the European Union may only fuel fears among European allies that the new leadership in the White House will embrace only some aspects of European unity.

On Sunday, Pence will travel to Brussels, where on Monday he will meet with senior EU leaders before returning home.

Meanwhile, Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, told the conference after Pence’s speech that Moscow wanted “pragmatic relations” with the U.S. He said he hoped that “responsibl­e leaders” would choose to create a “just world order, if you want you can call it a post-West world order.”

European countries along Russia’s border are rattled by the prospect of deeper U.S.-Russia ties after Trump suggested sanctions — contrary to the opinions of Merkel and other world leaders — imposed after Russia’s annexation of Crimea could be eased in exchange for a nuclear weapons deal.

The president referred to NATO as “obsolete” in an interview before his inaugurati­on, but has since tempered his language and has stressed the importance of the alliance during telephone conversati­ons with foreign leaders.

But mindful that the new U.S. president often lashes out on Twitter, some attendees remained skeptical that the speech represente­d Trump’s thinking and said his foreign policy moves would be closely watched.

“We are waiting for actions,” said Polish President Andrzej Duda. “We only know what the media has reported and the statements that we’ve got. Now we are waiting for actions of the new government of Donald Trump.”

Wrote U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., on Twitter: “Looks like we have 2 government­s. @VP just gave speech about shared values btwn US and Europe as @POTUS openly wages war on those values.”

Michael Chertoff, a former Homeland Security secretary under President George W. Bush, noted that Pence’s comments about NATO and Europe echoed assurances given by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

“They’ve all been consistent about the fact that there is a strong, deep and enduring commitment to Europe and to NATO,” Chertoff said.

Pence also reinforced the administra­tion’s message that NATO members must spend more on defense.

NATO’s 28 member countries committed in 2014 to spending 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense within a decade. But only the U.S. and four other members of the post-World War II military coalition are meeting the standard, Pence said.

Failure to meet the commitment, he said, “erodes the very foundation of our alliance.”

“Let me be clear on this point: The president of the United States expects our allies to keep their word, to fulfill this commitment and, for most, that means the time has come to do more,” Pence said.

In a day of meetings and photo ops, Pence sat down with the leaders of the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and separately with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko — countries dealing with the threat of Russian incursion. The vice president also scheduled a meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim.

The former Indiana governor’s stature within the administra­tion was also under scrutiny after the recent dismissal of Trump’s national security adviser, retired Gen. Michael Flynn. Flynn was forced to resign Monday following reports he misled Pence about contacts with a Russian diplomat. The vice president learned he had been misled through media accounts about two weeks after the president was informed.

Pence also met with the leaders of Iraq and Afghanista­n, where the U.S. remains embroiled in two separate wars. Trump has made clear his intention to defeat the Islamic State, also know as ISIS. But he also said the U.S. may get a second chance to take Iraqi oil as compensati­on for its efforts in the war-torn country, a notion that has been rebuffed by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi.

Trump’s immigratio­n and refugee ban, which is currently tied up in court, has ruffled the feathers of a number of Muslim-majority countries affected by the order. Those include Iraq, a close ally in the fight against ISIS. Trump has promised to issue a revised order, possibly as soon as this week.

 ?? JOHANNES SIMON/GETTY ?? Vice President Mike Pence met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday.
JOHANNES SIMON/GETTY Vice President Mike Pence met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Saturday.

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