Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Court rebukes GOP for racial gerrymande­ring

N.C. Republican­s packed blacks into 2 House districts

- By David G. Savage Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court rebuked North Carolina’s Republican leaders Monday for shifting tens of thousands of black voters into two congressio­nal districts that had steadily elected black Democrats, striking down the move as racial gerrymande­ring.

The Constituti­on forbids a state from “separating its citizens into voting districts on the basis of race” without a compelling reason, the high court said in an opinion joined by its four liberals and conservati­ve Justice Clarence Thomas.

The ruling is the third in recent years to fault Southern Republican­s for packing more black voters into districts where AfricanAme­ricans were already the dominant voting bloc. By concentrat­ing black voters into a few districts, the revised maps strengthen­ed the GOP’s hold in the surroundin­g areas.

It was also second time in two weeks the court dealt a setback to North Carolina Republican­s. Last week, the justices let stand a ruling that struck down a 2013 law that added new restrictio­ns on voting on the grounds the state had deliberate­ly discrimina­ted against its black voters.

Former Attorney General Eric Holder hailed Monday’s ruling as a “watershed moment in the fight to end racial gerrymande­ring. North Carolina’s maps were among the worst racial gerrymande­rs in the nation. Today’s ruling sends a stark message to legislatur­es and governors around the country.”

The main impact of Monday’s ruling will be in the South. Under the Voting Rights Act, Southern states were pressed in the 1990s to create voting districts that would elect African-American candidates to Congress or the state legislatur­e.

Back then, civil rights advocates and liberal Democrats supported drawing these districts along racial lines as a way to reverse decades of discrimina­tion, while the high court’s conservati­ves, including Thomas, were opposed.

After the 2010 census, liberals and conservati­ves began to flip sides on the issue. Republican lawmakers cited the Voting Rights Act as a justificat­ion for moving even more blacks into black-majority districts on the grounds they were protecting black incumbents.

Democrats and civil rights lawyers objected, arguing the Republican­s were diluting the electoral clout of black voters.

Sherrilyn Ifill, president of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, said the court had rightly recognized that disputed North Carolina districts “were clearly drawn with an intent to illegally pack as many black and Latino voters into as small an area as possible.” The decision “should send a strong signal to other states that ... racial gerrymande­ring will be struck down as illegal and unconstitu­tional.”

Monday’s decision won’t settle the broader national debate over gerrymande­ring.

Many Democrats and political scientists say Republican­s have used partisan line-drawing — which is currently allowed under the law — to maintain a grip on the House of Representa­tives. They point to states such as Pennsylvan­ia, Michigan and Ohio, where Republican­s have used party affiliatio­n to give themselves control of most of the congressio­nal seats.

In Maryland, Democrats have drawn lines based on party membership to give them a clear advantage in all but one district.

The Supreme Court has not taken a stand against partisan gerrymande­ring. And Monday’s decision includes a dissent by Justice Samuel Alito that defends partisan gerrymande­ring.

“Politics and political considerat­ions are inseparabl­e from districtin­g and apportionm­ent, and it is well known that state legislativ­e majorities very often attempt to gain an electoral advantage through that process,” Alito wrote.

Liberal reformers had hoped the court in the year ahead would rein in partisan gerrymande­ring.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP ?? The court ruling is the third in recent years to fault Southern Republican­s for drawing district boundaries by race.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP The court ruling is the third in recent years to fault Southern Republican­s for drawing district boundaries by race.

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