Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Thousands flee as Iraq boosts airstrikes on ISIS-held pockets


BADOUSH, Iraq — Thousands of Iraqis have fled an Islamic State-held town west of Mosul as Iraqi and coalition warplanes step up strikes ahead of a ground offensive to drive out the militants.

Tal Afar and the surroundin­g area is one of the last pockets of Islamic State-held territory in Iraq after victory was declared in July in Mosul, the country’s second-largest city. The town, 93 miles east of the Syrian border, sits along a major road that was once a key militant supply route.

On Monday, hundreds of civilians were brought by Iraqi army trucks from the front line to a humanitari­an collection point just west of Mosul. Many described a harrowing journey of a day or more from Tal Afar, with no food or water.

Jassem Aziz Tabo, an elderly man who arrived with his 12-member family, said he had left Tal Afar months ago and gone to a village on the outskirts to escape hunger, airstrikes and violence from the militants.

“Those who tried to escape were captured and shot in the head. They killed my son,” he said. “He tried to escape, he was caught and they killed him.”

He said severe shortages have caused the price of food to skyrocket in Tal Afar, which has been besieged by Iraqi forces for months, with 2 pounds of sugar selling for $50.

“There was nothing. We were eating pieces of bread with water,” he said.

Alia Imad, a mother of three whose family paid $300 to a smuggler to lead them to safety, said there is no drinking water left in the town.

“Most people drink water that’s not clean. The majority are surviving on that and a bit of bread,” she said.

Lise Grande, the U.N. humanitari­an coordinato­r, said conditions in Tal Afar are “very tough.”

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