Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Afghanista­n conflict a war we cannot win

- George Fisher, Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient, Palm Beach Linda J. Silver, former District Section 504/ADA specialist, Broward County Public Schools

The president has met with his military advisers to formulate a policy for Afghanista­n. We have been there for over 16 years and this is a war we cannot win. During World War II we had an enemy we could identify with uniforms. We knew if we captured Berlin the war would be over.

Why not leave Afghanista­n to the Afghans? Let us withdraw our troops now and bring our boys home. Enough is enough. staggering, but let’s look at students individual­ly to determine the cause, and to fix the problem. Possible causes: failing classes; chronic illness; babysittin­g siblings, school phobic, bullying — the list can be endless.

In 2013, the U.S. Department of Education found more than 17 percent of students with disabiliti­es were chronicall­y absent. Chronicall­y ill students (i.e. asthma, allergies, diabetes, etc.) are a segment of the school popluation that many times are overlooked.

These students are in and out of school because of their heath conditions. A team approach — with administra­tion, counselors, social workers, psychologi­sts, ESE specialist­s, teachers, medical profession­als and parents — looking at Section 504 Eligibilit­y and accommodat­ions allows students not to be penalized if they miss school due to their disability.

Parents look to the schools to help them get their kids back in school. Threatenin­g jail time for parents probably won’t solve the issue, but looking at the root of the problem will.

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