Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

US cultural decay is clear


After witnessing the back and forth of the Frederica Wilson-John Kelly-President Trump confrontat­ion, I have no alternativ­e but to confirm that our American culture is on a rapid decline now.

What leads me to this negative assessment are two factors.

First, it is not that the president, as usual, dropped the ball communicat­ing with widow Myeshia Johnson; for it is clear that Mr. Trump failed or never attended a good manners finishing school. Neither is a factor that after Congresswo­man Wilson — wisely — decided to shut her mouth, the president continued hurling insults at her. No, because these are just an individual response to a particular situation.

The institutio­nal responses are the ones that concern. For they are the ones that count in taking the pulse of a nation. The national press — I am talking about the big press and the television stations — had a field day of making an unfortunat­e choice of words an event of Watergate level. I have to say that we are truly lost as a culture if our guiding force — the press — lacks perspectiv­e into what it is decisive and what it is not. Then, with the sole exception of Sen. John McCain, who seems to carry within himself the dignity of the whole Congress, no one in that institutio­n has so far squarely faced the president on his totally inadmissib­le insults to a lady and a representa­tive of the United States.

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