Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Maimed American veteran receives penis transplant

- By Lauran Neergaard

WASHINGTON — A veteran who lost his genitals from a blast in Afghanista­n has received the world’s most extensive penis transplant, and doctors said Monday he is recovering and expected to leave the hospital this week.

Johns Hopkins University surgeons, saying they wanted to address “an unspoken injury of war,” rebuilt the man’s pelvic region — transplant­ing a penis, scrotum and part of the abdominal wall from a deceased donor — in an experiment­al 14-hour operation last month.

Such transplant­s “can help those warriors with missing genitalia just as hand and arm transplant transforme­d the lives of amputees,” Dr. W.P. Andrew Lee, chairman of plastic and reconstruc­tive surgery at Hopkins, told reporters Monday.

The patient, who asked to remain anonymous, is expected to recover urinary and, eventually, sexual function. The scrotum transplant did not include the donor’s testicles, meaning reproducti­on won’t be possible. “We just felt there were too many unanswered ethical questions” with that extra step, said Hopkins’ Dr. Damon Cooney.

Three other successful penis transplant­s have been reported, two in South Africa and one in 2016 at Massachuse­tts General Hospital. Those transplant­s involved only the penis, not extensive surroundin­g tissue that made this transplant more complex.

The loss of a penis, whether from cancer, accident or war injury, is emotionall­y traumatic, affecting urination, sexual intimacy and the ability to conceive a child. Many patients suffer in silence because of the stigma their injuries sometimes carry.

For a functional penis transplant, surgeons must connect tiny nerves and blood vessels. Candidates face some serious risks, including rejection of the tissue and side effects from anti-rejection drugs that must be taken for life.

But penis transplant­s have generated intense interest among veterans from Iraq and Afghanista­n, and a few years ago Hopkins surgeons began planning and rehearsing how to perform such an complex operation in patients with widespread tissue damage.

The Department of Defense Trauma Registry has recorded 1,367 male service members who survived with genitourin­ary injuries from between 2001 to and 2013.

Hopkins is screening additional veterans to see if they are good candidates for this type of reconstruc­tive transplant. Finding donors is an additional hurdle.

The Hopkins patient received an extra experiment­al step, an infusion of bone marrow from his donor that research suggests may help a recipient’s immune system better tolerate a transplant. Surgeons said that is enabling the veteran to take one anti-rejection drug instead of several.

In a statement from Hopkins, the patient was quoted as saying: “When I first woke up, I felt finally more normal.”

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