Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Shaky hope remains on Iran nuke accord

- By Chris Megerian Washington Bureau

Iranian lawmakers chanted “Death to America!” European leaders hoped to preserve the deal.

WASHINGTON — In a contentiou­s confirmati­on hearing that reopened the fraught debate over CIA abuse of terrorism suspects, Gina Haspel pledged Wednesday she would not revive the use of secret prisons and harsh interrogat­ions if she is confirmed to lead the nation’s premier intelligen­ce agency.

The Senate intelligen­ce committee hearing served as an uncomforta­ble public debut for Haspel, a veteran but controvers­ial CIA officer who spent nearly all of her 33-year career recruiting and managing spies as an undercover operative in Africa, Europe and Central Asia as well as at CIA headquarte­rs in Langley, Va.

She came under fire from Democrats and some Republican­s clearly nervous about whether endorsing Haspel would amount to whitewashi­ng what the CIA called enhanced interrogat­ion tactics — and what critics called torture — after the Sep. 11 attacks.

The practices are now banned.

In 2002, Haspel briefly ran the CIA’s then-secret prison in Thailand, where detainees were waterboard­ed and subjected to sleep deprivatio­n, body slamming and other abuses. Her role there is still mostly classified, and protesters interrupte­d the hearing by chanting “Bloody Gina” and “Don’t reward torture.”

“I want to be clear,” Haspel told the committee. “Having served in that tumultuous time, I can offer you my personal commitment, clearly and without reservatio­n, that under my leadership CIA will not restart such a detention and interrogat­ion program.”

Her testimony helped tip one crucial Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, to offer support, a sign that her confirmati­on in the full Senate appears more likely.

Haspel tried to assure skeptical senators that she wants to leave the discredite­d program in the past even as she defended her career in the shadows and sought to protect other intelligen­ce profession­als who might face legal jeopardy after participat­ing in authorized operations.

The balancing act meant her answers sometimes grew tangled under pointed questionin­g. She pledged to follow her “moral compass” in the future, but declined to say whether she believed previous CIA practices were immoral. She said she supports laws that outlaw torture, but said the harsh interrogat­ions were permitted under legal guidance at the time.

“I’m not going to sit here, with the benefit of hindsight, and judge the very good people who made hard decisions in extraordin­ary circumstan­ces,” she said.

She also pushed back at times, calling it a “tragedy” that the interrogat­ion controvers­y had cast a shadow on the CIA’s efforts to prevent another mass casualty terrorist event while the nation was still reeling from the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Haspel has drawn unusual support from current and former members of the intelligen­ce community — dozens have publicly endorsed her — as she seeks confirmati­on in the full Senate.

After the hearing, Manchin said he will vote for Haspel, saying he has “the utmost respect for the sacrifices she has made for our country.”

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has said he will oppose her confirmati­on, and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is being treated for brain cancer in Arizona, potentiall­y eliminatin­g Republican­s’ slim 5149 majority. Manchin’s vote could be enough to win approval in the narrowly divided chamber.

Questions about CIA interrogat­ions dominated the hearing almost to the exclusion of other major concerns.

Haspel was not asked how the CIA should respond to Trump’s decision Tuesday to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, for example. Nor was she asked about Trump’s efforts to stage a nuclear summit with North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un, even though she has played a role in planning.

Supportive Republican­s said the focus on a few episodes from Haspel’s long career was regrettabl­e.

“Many want to make your nomination about one small piece of the agency’s past,” said Sen. Richard Burr, RN.C., the committee chairman. He praised Haspel as perhaps “the most qualified nominee ever nominated for this role.”

Democrats said they targeted her role in the interrogat­ions because Trump said last year that he would “bring back” waterboard­ing, a painful process that involves pouring water on a prisoner’s face to simulate drowning.

“You should consider carefully how you might deal with morally questionab­le results in the future,” warned Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the committee vice chairman. “If confirmed you will face a White House, frankly, in my view, a president who does not always seem interested in hearing, much less speaking, the truth.”

The Senate hearing was marked by sharp exchanges with two Democrats.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, DCalif., asked Haspel whether she had advocated for destroying videotapes of interrogat­ions at the CIA site in Thailand. Haspel helped draft a memo in 2005 for a supervisor who then ordered officers to feed dozens of tapes into an industrial shredder. Subsequent internal and criminal investigat­ions resulted in no charges.

“I absolutely was an advocate,” Haspel responded. She said she was motivated to protect the CIA officers who participat­ed in the interrogat­ions. “I never watched the tapes. But I understood that our officers’ faces were on them.”

Sen. Kamala Harris pushed her further. “The president has asserted that torture works. Do you agree with that statement?” she asked.

“I don’t believe that torture works,” Haspel said. But she added a caveat. “We got valuable informatio­n from debriefing of al-Qaida detainees, and I don’t think it’s knowable whether interrogat­ion techniques played a role in that.”

At another point, Haspel sidesteppe­d repeated questions from Harris about the morality of waterboard­ing and other now-banned tactics. “Do you believe in hindsight that those techniques were immoral?” Harris asked.

“I think I’ve answered the question,” Haspel responded.

“No, you have not,” Harris said.

Haspel joined the CIA in 1985 and served undercover, mostly overseas, until February 2017, when she became the deputy director. She has been acting director since Mike Pompeo was confirmed as secretary of State last month.

If confirmed, she would be the first operations officer in five decades to rise through the ranks to lead the agency.

She also would be the first woman to head the CIA, as she pointed out in her opening remarks.

 ?? BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/GETTY-AFP ?? Gina Haspel waits for her hearing to begin before the Senate intelligen­ce committee.
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/GETTY-AFP Gina Haspel waits for her hearing to begin before the Senate intelligen­ce committee.

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