Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

EU fears more Moscow meddling

- By Chris Megerian Staff writer Tracy Wilkinson contribute­d.

WASHINGTON — The day the White House announced plans for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump publicly doubted whether Moscow had interfered with the campaign that landed him in the White House.

“Russia continues to say they had nothing to do with Meddling in our Election!” Trump tweeted, contradict­ing the persistent conclusion­s of his own country’s intelligen­ce agencies.

Such statements have stirred controvers­y here for the last two years. Now they’re also rattling U.S. allies in Europe, where Moscow has deployed some of the same disinforma­tion tactics that it used to manipulate the 2016 U.S. campaign.

As Trump prepares to meet with Putin on July 16 in Helsinki, Finland, there’s little sign that he’s willing to take a hard line against election interferen­ce.

“We’re going to be talking about elections,” Trump told reporters recently. “We don’t want anybody tampering with elections.”

However, he didn’t blame Russia for any of its actions.

U.S. and foreign experts and government officials point to a series of incidents across Europe that show Moscow’s ambition to spread political chaos on the continent.

Hackers released a trove of emails from Emmanuel Macron’s campaign last year while Russia was backing the right-wing candidate, Marine Le Pen.

Latvia has seen a wave of disinforma­tion that officials fear may increase in the months leading up to parliament­ary elections this fall.

Sweden is strengthen­ing efforts to counter fake news spread through social media in hopes of deterring Russian interferen­ce in its government.

“The Russians have discovered it works very well. It’s cheap. It’s effective,” said a European diplomat who requested anonymity to candidly discuss internatio­nal relations.

Trump will likely get an earful about the problem shortly before he meets with Putin, when he attends the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on’s summit in Belgium.

He’s shown little affection, however, for the alliance created in the wake of World War II as a bulwark against Russian influence.

A harbinger came during a NATO meeting last year, when Trump became the first U.S. president in decades not to reiterate U.S. support for Article 5, the provision that requires each NATO member to defend all others against attacks. After his failure to support the provision became a point of public controvers­y, Trump endorsed it.

Trump has also undermined German Chancellor Angela Merkel, criticizin­g her leadership as she faces political challenges at home.

“It’s no longer clear who’s the fox and who are the chickens,” said Stephen Sestanovic­h, a senior fellow for Russian and Eurasian studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.

The goals of Russia’s election interferen­ce efforts have often seemed to align with Trump’s own goals.

Russia wants to undermine a united Europe, represente­d by the European Union and NATO, and thereby expand its own power, according to the majority view of U.S. government and private analysts.

“For Russia, a disunited Europe is better than a united Europe,” said Angela Stent, who directs the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies at Georgetown University.

Trump has expressed interest in dealing with European countries on an individual basis in an effort to seek better trade deals, undercutti­ng long-standing internatio­nal organizati­ons. He also cheered on the Brexit movement splitting the United Kingdom from the European Union — a campaign that has been accompanie­d by its own allegation­s of Russian interferen­ce.

Trump has been sensitive to questions about Moscow’s meddling, believing they’re used to undermine the legitimacy of his presidency.

He tweeted last week that he doubted law enforcemen­t had adequately investigat­ed the issue. “So many questions, so much corruption!”

U.S. intelligen­ce agencies have unanimousl­y concluded that Russia released hacked emails and spread disinforma­tion on social media to boost Trump’s candidacy. Whether anyone from Trump’s campaign or his circle of associates participat­ed in that effort remains under investigat­ion by special counsel Robert Mueller.

“Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary (Hillary) Clinton, and harm her electabili­ty and potential presidency,” said a declassifi­ed report from the intelligen­ce agencies that was released before Trump was inaugurate­d.

“We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for Presidente­lect Trump,” the report said.

The conclusion was backed up last week by a bipartisan report from the Senate intelligen­ce .

Similar tactics have been used in Europe, notably in countries along Russia’s western border that had been part of the Soviet Union.

“Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are clearly on the front line of the Kremlin’s malign influence operations and have suffered from some of the most egregious cyberattac­ks and disinforma­tion campaigns yet seen in Russia’s near abroad,” said a January report from Democrats on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

When Canadian troops were stationed in Latvia last year, fake articles on Russian websites accused them of living large in luxury apartments, littering and spending their time buying beer.

Latvia is particular­ly vulnerable to Moscow’s propaganda because roughly one quarter of the population speaks Russian. The country’s experience has led to new efforts to counter fake news by teaching students to sort through propaganda.

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