Sun Sentinel Palm Beach Edition

Is 95 too old to get cataract surgery?

- Dr. PKaeui l th Do Rnoahcuhe GOOD HEALTH Write to Dr. Roach at To Your Good Health or mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I’m 95 years old and wondering if it is advisable to have cataract surgery at my age. I had a cataract removed from my left eye, and it was very successful. My eye doctor said I have a condition known as pseudo ex foliation in my right eye, in addition to the cataract. — S.D.

Surgery shouldn’t be undertaken lightly at any age, and especially not for people who are among our oldest. However, cataract surgery is one that has a very good record, even among quite elderly people.

If your overall health is good for 95 and the cataract is significan­tly affecting you, it is reasonable to consider. Pseudo ex foliation, a condition of deposition of fibers on internal structures of the eye, does make cataract surgery more difficult, but only your surgeon can give you a personaliz­ed assessment of your potential for complicati­ons in surgery.

Dear Dr. Roach: Is viral meningitis deadly? — B.R.

Meningitis, infection of the lining of the brain, is feared because when it is caused by bacteria, in can be fatal, sometimes within hours. Vaccines help reduce mortality rates from bacterial meningitis.

Viral meningitis is much less worrisome and is usually not fatal. However, it often is not clear from the clinical presentati­on. Therefore, a rapid evaluation of cerebrospi­nal fluid, from a lumbar puncture (”spinal tap”) is done. Often, treatment for bacterial meningitis is begun immediatel­y, and stopped after 48 hours if results show it is viral meningitis.

Common viruses to cause meningitis are enteroviru­ses, but herpesviru­ses, HIV and mumps also cause meningitis. When the virus (mainly Herpes simplex) infects the meninges, and the brain itself, it is called encephalit­is or men in go encephalit­is, and that is very dangerous. Herpes meningitis and men in go encephalit­is are treated by antiviral drugs.

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